What is Absolute zero (or 0 Kelvin)? - Socratic
2017年4月6日 · Absolute zero is a projection from empirical evidence where the theoretical volume is zero and the kinetic energy is zero. By graphing the relationship between volume …
What are the equivalents of 0 K, 0°C, and 0°F in the other
2017年4月1日 · 0 Kelvin is the absolute zero point, which is the point where no molecule moves at all. This is the same as -273.15°C. Kelvin is an international SI unit. To get from Kelvin to °C, …
Absolute Zero - Chemistry - Socratic
Absolute zero is also the foundation for the Kelvin scale, as #"0 K" = -273.15^@ "C"# is the coldest that you can ever hope to get. Oliver S. · 1 · Apr 11 2018
What is absolute zero on the Kelvin scale? - Socratic
2016年9月29日 · This one's easy: absolute zero = 0 K in degrees Kelvin. 0 K, "absolute zero" is a theoretical temperature when all molecular motion stops. Deep space is estimated to be …
What is the temperature at which the motion of particles ... - Socratic
2017年7月6日 · The temperature at which the motion of particles theoretically ceases is #0^0A# or absolute zero, Absolute #0^0# is the definition of #0^0# on the Kelvin and Rankine …
What is the energy of gases at #"0 K"#? - Socratic
2017年12月25日 · Well, ignoring relativity, the total energy of a molecular gas would never be zero at "0 K", but the total energy of an atomic gas could be close to zero in deep space. …
Why is the Kelvin temperature scale used in science? - Socratic
2018年4月24日 · The Kelvin temperature is an absolute temperature scale. The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero. 0 degrees Kelvin represents zero kinetic energy or temperature. …
What is the Kelvin temperature scale? + Example - Socratic
2018年5月17日 · The Kelvin scale is unique in a few ways from Fahrenheit and Celsius. Primarily, it is based on the measurement of absolute zero. This is a theoretical and highly debated point …
How can the entropy of a pure solid to be zero? - Socratic
2017年7月14日 · The third law of thermodynamics states that #"the entropy of a perfect crystal at 0 Kelvin is ZERO"#..... And such a crystal (and this is very much an abstract concept) has only …
Temperature Scales - Chemistry - Socratic
On the Kelvin scale, #"absolute zero = 0 K"#...whereas on the Celsius scale, #"absolute zero" = -273.15# #""^@C#. Conversion between the Celsius scale and Fahrenheit scale is a bit more …