What Is Port 0 Used For? - Lifewire
Aug 29, 2021 · Port 0 is a wildcard port that tells the system to find a suitable port number. Unlike most port numbers, port 0 is a reserved port in TCP/IP networking, meaning that it should not …
Pot | 跨平台划词翻译和OCR
Pot是一款强大的跨平台划词翻译和OCR软件,支持DeepL、OpenAI、谷歌翻译等多个翻译引擎,具备划词翻译、截图翻译、文字识别、语音合成朗读等功能。 简洁的界面设计,快捷的操 …
Port 0 (tcp/udp) :: SpeedGuide
Port 0 can be used by applications when calling the bind () command to request the next available dynamically allocated source port number. err. Port numbers in computer networking …
pot-app/pot-desktop: 一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR ... - GitHub
您可以通过向 发送 HTTP 请求来调用 pot,其中的 port 是 pot 监听的端口号,默认为 60828,可以在软件设置中进行更改。 如果想要调用 pot 划词翻译,只需向 …
Port 0 TCP/UDP - Ports Master
Port 0, also known as the reserved port, is a TCP/IP port that should not be used for any service due to potential security risks.
transport protocol - TCP port 0 reserved for what purpose?
Nov 30, 2014 · TCP port 0 has a special meaning in many socket API s (especially in the common Berkeley socket API that the POSIX API grew out of). It requests an ephemeral/dynamic port …
Pot | 下载 - pot-app
Pot是一款强大的跨平台划词翻译和OCR软件,支持DeepL、OpenAI、谷歌翻译等多个翻译引擎,具备划词翻译、截图翻译、文字识别、语音合成朗读等功能。 简洁的界面设计,快捷的操 …
transport protocol - Where are 0 TCP/UDP ports banned?
Oct 6, 2021 · Port 0 is reserved by networking libraries (either socket or streams API) to return a random unused port number. All popular OSes do this. If you use port 0 the socket library will …
networking - Is it possible to connect to TCP port 0? - Unix
Listening to TCP port 0 allocates a free port number on the system for me. But what happens when I try to connect to TCP port 0? The obvious answer is: "It doesn't work": $ nc localhost 0...
pot-app-translate-plugin-deepseek: 一个为pot-app开发的 ... - Gitee
deepseek翻译插件 - 一个为pot-app开发的翻译插件. 这是一个基于DeepSeek API的翻译插件,支持多语言翻译,提供高质量的翻译结果。 安装并配置完成后,在pot-app的翻译引擎列表中选 …
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