0.999... - Wikipedia
In mathematics, 0.999... (also written as 0. 9, 0.., or 0.(9)) is a repeating decimal that is an alternative way of writing the number 1. Following the standard rules for representing numbers …
C'mon! 0.999… can't equal 1! How could it? | Purplemath
What is 0.999… equal to? The infinite repeating decimal 0.999… is equal to the whole number 1. This is very different from the value of, say, 0.999, which is equal to (which is close to 1, but …
Why Does 0.999… = 1? – Math Fun Facts - Harvey Mudd College
0.99999… It may come as a surprise when you first learn the fact that this real number is actually EQUAL to the integer 1. A common argument that is often given to show this is as follows.
Does 0.999... equal 1? - Math is Fun
The idea is that 0.9 recurring (0.999... with the digits going on forever) is actually equal to 1. You decide. Let us start by having x = 0.999... x = 0.999...
Is 0.999... = 1? | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
0.999... \text { and } 1 are not equal because they're not the same decimal. With the exception of trailing 0's, any two decimals that are written differently are different numbers. 0.999... = 1 is …
Proof:The Decimal 0.999... is Equivalent to 1 - Math Wiki
There are many proofs that the repeating decimal 0.999... is equivalent to the number one, some more rigorous than others. Also with counter-proofs. The notion that 0.999... represents an …
0.999... - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
0.999... is a repeating decimal, which means the digit "9" is repeated forever. It is different from 0.999, which only has three 9s. 0.999... can also be written as ¯ or ˙. It is hard for many people …
Why Does 0.999… Equal 1?! - Medium
2017年7月20日 · I’m going to show you how with basic math you can show your friends that the repeating decimal 0.999… is in fact equal to 1. Yep, you heard me right. We can show this is …
Does 0.999… Really Equal 1? A Mathematician Explains - Gizmodo
2014年6月2日 · When you have an infinitely decreasing number does it ever hit a point where it is indistinguishable from the number it’s approaching? Does 0.999999999…, for instance, ever …
Is 0.999… (repeating) equal to 1? - Jakub Marian’s ...
The short answer is yes. $0.\bar 9$ (zero point 9 repeating) is exactly 1. However, a lot of people find this result counter-intuitive (people often feel that $0.\bar 9$ should be slightly less than …