约 172 个结果

How do i point my domain..? - 000webhost forum - Free Web …
2008年9月9日 · step by step instructions please. That FAQ pretty well explains what you need to do. If you want specific step-by-step instructions, we’d need to know who your registrar is.
Web Hosting Gratis Tanpa Iklan - PHP, MySQL, dan cPanel
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Change MySQL Timezone - Community support - 000webhost forum
2018年11月26日 · Good day ! Unfortunately, no, it is not possible to change the time zone on free plans. By default we’re using GMT+0. But timestamps are the same for all, therefore using PHP to process any time should output the desired results.
Can't connect to 000Host! - #26 by wismayo - Community support ...
2012年11月29日 · When I try to connect to my website or any other 000hosted site, the page just times out and says it can't connect. My other computer also can't connect. I have tried about everything and don't know what to do. I can c…