00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269) 008 - VW Vortex
2010年7月9日 · Is possible that the G269 sensor was damaged and stopped working after all the repairs? The indipendent mechanic say that he haven't touched the steering rack. Btw now i got this problem, and the only way to resolve seems to be to change the whole steering rack, at the cost of 1200€ + work.
00573 - Ross-Tech Wiki
When found in VW Golf (1K) Steering Assist (and similar), check Steering Torque Sensor (G269)
00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269) - Ross-Tech Forums
2021年2月28日 · My vehicle keeps has the yellow steering wheel light. It returns every few days after clearing the code. The code is: 00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269). But I don't know where Terminal 15 is? I also don't know which fuses to check?
VW 00573 Steering torque sensor (G269) eror ..Fixed. - YouTube
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00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269) | GOLFMKV.com - VW GTI Forum / VW ...
2011年5月16日 · Hooked up VAGCOM and that's the code present under the Steering Assist. Clears fine, remove key from ignition and restart it and it comes back. Only lost power steering once and that was while I was running through the Ross-Tech procedure on resetting these sensors. Ran through it again and my power steering came back.
2024年11月25日 · 大众甲壳虫报 00573 故障码呢,就是转向系统出了点小状况。 原因可能是传感器本身、线路故障或者控制单元有问题。 解决办法就是检查传感器、排查线路、检测控制单元。
2009 Tiguan Steering Assist Code - 00573 G269 - Ross-Tech Forums
2017年6月30日 · Measuring blocks show readings from the torque sensor consistently in both directions from lock to lock without any dropouts or inconsistent readings. I'm struggling to find out what the following error code is (the only error code shown on the auto scan now that I'm worried about at this time) - full scan included at the bottom of the post.
MK5 Golf Sport 00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269): Implausible Signal
2021年9月1日 · I have a VW MK5 Golf GT Sport. I've developed the 00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269): Implausible Signal after it went in for track rod ends. I've checked all grounds by pulling the airbox and battery out and cleaned.
00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269) - MK5 Golf GTI
2016年2月3日 · I plugged in my cable and scanned, found the 00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269) error - Implausible Signal. Cleared the fault code and took it a drive no issues at all but as soon as you turn the car off and go to to start again the …
steering assist warning light on error - TDIClub Forums
2010年7月6日 · 00573 - Steering Torque Sensor (G269): Implausible Signal ive checked and the torque value changes as I turn the steering wheel. my mechanic has noticed the steering is very tight when it was on a 2 post lift and he tries to turn the wheel by hand. so we found the top mount bearings seem to be binding slightly as the spring will turn then the ...