IS-0315.a: CERT and the Incident Command System - FEMA
This course introduces you to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) relationship to the Incident Command System (ICS). This program educates any CERT program manager, CERT trainer, or emergency responder who may manage and/or coordinate with a CERT about the CERT’s potential roles in a disaster or emergency situation.
Spanish - IS-0315.a: CERT and the Incident Command System
Spanish - IS-0315.a: CERT and the Incident Command System. Course Introduction. Course Overview. 1 of 83. Glossary Help Plug-Ins. Descripción general del curso. Este curso presenta la relación entre el Equipo Comunitario de Respuesta a Emergencias (CERT, por sus siglas en inglés) con el Sistema de Comando de Incidentes (ICS, por sus siglas ...
Documentation Flow (pop-up)
During an event, here is how a CERT would use these standard documents. If your CERT or sponsoring organization does not have these forms, these descriptions suggest the desired information to collect and communicate between groups.
Besides using common terminology, all ICS and CERT communications should consist of clear, concise, plain language. Plain language refers to a communication style that avoids or limits the use of code words (e.g., “10-codes”), abbreviations, and jargon, as appropriate, during incidents involving more than a single agency.
Using Forms to Communicate with Responders/Emergency …
Form Purpose; Damage Assessment Form [CERT Form #1] CERT Basic PM, page 2-14: Completed by CERT volunteers as they travel through the area to the CERT’s staging location, then given to the CERT Team Leader; provides a summary of …
When are CERTs utilized? CERTs respond: In the period immediately after a disaster when response resources are overwhelmed or delayed ; When requested in accordance with standard operating procedures developed by the sponsoring organization to …
Benefits of ICS on Incident Management - FEMA
The ICS has positively affected incident management efforts by: Clarifying chain of command and supervision responsibilities to improve accountability.
Clear, Concise, Plain Language - emilms.fema.gov
Besides using common terminology, all ICS and CERT communications should consist of clear, concise, plain language. Plain language refers to a communication style that avoids or limits the use of code words (e.g., “10-codes”), abbreviations, and jargon, as appropriate, during incidents involving more than a single agency.
What is a VOAD? - FEMA
CERTs are not the only source of volunteer disaster assistance. Many familiar national nonprofit service organizations—such as the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, the Salvation Army—are Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD).
Knowledge Check 3
Instructions: Read the scenario and question below; then select the correct answer. Scenario: You are the CERT Operations Section Chief. The EOC of your sponsoring organization tells your CERT TL that they need traffic assistance at an intersection where the traffic lights are out due to a power outage.