May 2019 Calendar
View the month calendar of May 2019 including week numbers. This may 2019 calendar is always useful for example to see if you have vacation. View or download the 2019 calendar. Go to 2019 Calendar. See also the 2019 Holidays. The sunrise and sunset are calculated from New York.
What Happened on May 3, 2019 - On This Day
2019年5月3日 · Browse historical events, famous birthdays and notable deaths from May 3, 2019 or search by date, day or keyword.
Portal:Current events/2019 May 3 - Wikipedia
2019 North Indian Ocean cyclone season. Cyclone Fani, an extremely severe category 4 storm and one of the strongest in recent years, makes landfall at the coastal town of Puri in the Indian state of Odisha. Eight people have been killed in India, according to the Press Trust of India, and hundreds more injured. Severe damage and flooding has ...
《新闻联播》 20190503 21:00 - CCTV节目官网
2019年5月3日 · 本期节目主要内容:1、清华大学研究生支教团:青春与理想同行;2、人民日报社论:让五四精神在新时代放射新的光芒——纪念五四运动100周年;3、十八岁那年 在担当中历练 在尽责中成长;4、人民日报评论员文章:做好知心人热心人引路人——论学习贯彻习 ...
How long ago was May 3rd 2019? | howlongagogo.com
How long ago was May 3rd 2019? May 3rd 2019 was 5 years, 10 months and 15 days ago, which is 2,146 days. It was on a Friday and was in week 18 of 2019. Create a countdown for May 3, 2019 or Share with friends and family.
May 3 - Wikipedia
May 3 is the 123rd day of the year (124th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 242 days remain until the end of the year. 752 – Mayan king Bird Jaguar IV of Yaxchilan in modern-day Chiapas, Mexico, assumes the throne. 1481 – The largest of three earthquakes strikes the island of Rhodes and causes an estimated 30,000 casualties.
重磅微视频:《青春中国》 - 央视网
2019年5月3日 · 2019年是五四运动100周年,也是中华人民共和国成立70周年。 回顾中国青年百年奋斗史,“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的理念早已深刻融入中国青年的血液中,他们满怀对祖国和人民的赤子之心,积极投身党领导的革命、建设、改革伟大事业。
2019年05月03日万年历 - 万年日历查询
2019年5月3日 · 阴阳历的有非常明显的平年和闰年之分,年天数差异较大,历月为朔望月,因为12个朔望月与回归年存在一定的差别(少11天左右),所以阴阳历中设置闰月,用以协调回归年和朔望月之间的关系,存在闰月的年份中一年为十三个月(朔望月),是闰年。 一般每经过十九年就会有七个闰年。 区别于一年有十二个朔望月的平年。 因此这种历法即与月相相符又与地球绕太阳周期运动相符合。 中国的农历就是阴阳历的一种。 全年节日大全.
2018-19赛季NBA季后赛 猛龙VS76人 第三场 20190503
央视网消息:北京时间5月3日,NBA季后赛继续进行,猛龙对阵76人。 全场比赛结束,猛龙95-116不敌76人。
《奔跑吧 第三季》2019-05-24期在线观看 - 综艺奔跑吧 第三季完 …
奔跑吧 第三季2019-05-24期免费在线观看,奔跑吧 第三季完整版,奔跑吧 第三季剧情:《奔跑吧第三季》是浙江卫视推出的户外竞技真人秀,由浙江卫视节目中心制作。