'06 YZ450F HP and Torque - YZ400F/426F/450F/450FX
2005年9月12日 · I also posted the '06 YZ250F power in there YZ/WR250F forum. ... '06 YZ450F HP and Torque Theme ...
06 yz450f tourque specs? - YZ400F/426F/450F/450FX - ThumperTalk
2017年6月14日 · just got a 2006 yz450f and im replacing the gaskets on it, I read there's a certain way to torque the head bolt down is this the correct way? (this is just what I've read and typed below asking if that is correct) torque the head bolts down to 22ft lb criss cross pattern then loosen back up take ...
06 yz450f hot and has hanging idle!!! - ThumperTalk
2010年8月15日 · So as a few of you may have read, I bought an 06 450. 2100 bucks and a hand full of problems. first cams were off 8-10 teeth each, fixed that, . changed sparkplug/ pilot to 48 and cleaned carb out. So I have a few problems now. It has a terrible hanging idle and just bad iddling habits. first it ...
06 yz450f - YZ400F/426F/450F/450FX - ThumperTalk
2023年3月14日 · I have a 06 yz450f And it was back firing on Deceleration really really bad. I ended up putting a one. 170 Main jet from. 165 And a 48 Pilot Jet from a 45 Starter jet is 72 Leak jet is 55 Needle is on the 4 Groove. Pilot screw is. 1 1/8 Turns out I still have a little bit of backfire on Deceleration. but not bad runs good.
2006-07 YZ450F User Jetting Database - ThumperTalk
2005年12月15日 · 2006 YZ450F-Pilot Jet 48-Main 170-Needle stock-2.25 turns out fuel screw ~400 feet elevation. stock pipe, twin air filter w/no toil oil
06 Yz450f slide needle clip position? - ThumperTalk
2016年4月6日 · What is the stock position for a 06 yz450f slide needle? And any tips on how to do it? Thanks
06 YZ450F Oil level check?? - YZ400F/426F/450F/450FX
2006年1月31日 · I would like to confirm with other 06 YZ450F owners, what type of cold oil level reading you get when the bike has been sitting over night. Mine will just barely have any oil on the tip of the dip stick.
06 YZ450F Shifting Problems!! - YZ400F/426F/450F/450FX
2008年5月4日 · My 06 YZ450F is having problems shifting from 3rd to 4th. During a race it gets stuck and will not shift into 4th gear. I can stand up and put all the pressure in the world on it, but it will not shift. Then after trying for a while sometimes it shifts. I bought the bike brand new. I had the same problem about a month after getting it.
06 yz450f valve clearance readings? - ThumperTalk
2011年3月13日 · I just bought an 06 yz450f and I checked the valve clearances and the manual says they should be .10 - .15 mm on intake and .20 - .25mm on exhaust side. the readings I get are .10 on two out of the three intake valves and the middle one I can only get a .08mm feeler in. The exhaust side is reading .18mm on both.
2006 yz450f rear axle nut - YZ400F/426F/450F/450FX - ThumperTalk
2018年7月22日 · I'm trying to remove my rear wheel on my 06 yz450f and I don't have the right size sprocket for the nut holding it on, and I have had no luck finding the size on google. Anyone know what size that nut is?