07 kia optima exv6 extremely difficult to start after a ... - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 kia optima exv6 extremely difficult to start after a fillup at the pump when it finaly does start it sputters and stalls lasting several minutes before operating normally. this does not …
07 Kia spectra won’t turn over after ignition coil ... - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 Kia spectra won’t turn over after ignition coil replacement Mechanic's Assistant: Would you prefer help from an online mechanic or a recommendation for a repair shop in your …
Kia Sorento Transmission Line Leak? Expert Fix & Tips - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 kia sorento transmission lines that go into the radiator there's 2 lines they have the flare type copper line fittings is there anykind of washer that goes i. There i put none leaking …
07 kia sedona throwing codes p2106 p1295 p161B van will start …
Customer: 07 kia sedona throwing codes p2106 p1295 p161B van will start but makes loud knocking sound, and will not accelerate. Dealer said it needed a new throttle body. Had a new …
2007 Kia Rondo Blower Motor: Q&A on Heat/AC Blower Run Time
07 kia rondo v6 My heat& ac blower run all the time with the key on, will not change speeds, i installed ablower Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: 07 kia rondo v6 My heat& ac blower …
Brakes dragging. 165 no. 07kia Sorento. 07. I change the
Customer: 07 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Sorento yourself? What have you tried so far? What have you tried so far? Customer: ok i change the rotor it was bad and i got new …
My 07 Kia spectra alarms and won't turn over when trying
I have a 2007 Kia Spectra was running fine i had the battery unhooked put it back in cranked the engine and when I put Mike Kelly 17 years experience as an auto mechanic, foreign and …
Q&A: 07 Optima - No Heat | Kia Optima EX | JustAnswer
Customer: I have a 07 kia optima 2.7. I have no heat. engine temperature is good. I have digital controls. Wondering if it is the blend door actuator. I took the panel below steering wheel and …
Kia Spectra Timing Belt Q&A: Diagrams, Marks & Replacement
Customer: I am changing my timing belt in a 07 kia spectra and need help with a question. I took the bolt out of the tensioner pulley and changed the belt then reinstalled it. Is the cam action …
Common Ignition Lock Cylinder Problems: Expert Q&A - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 Kia Amanti ignition switch or lock cylinder problems. Mechanic's Assistant: Has the Kia been stalling out? Customer: Unable to turn key yesterday. After much wiggling of key, we …