SCP-096 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月1日 · Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body …
SCP-096 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 - Fandom
SCP-096,又名 “羞涩的人”, SCP - 收容失效 的高度危险人形SCP。 SCP-096是一个通常极其温顺的人型生物。 但是,当有人看到SCP-096的脸时,无论是直接看到,还是看到了视频,甚 …
SCP-096 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-096, also known as "The Shy Guy", is a humanoid creature that becomes extremely hostile when any part of their face is seen. At some point, SCP-096 was captured by the SCP …
SCP-096 | SCP基金会 Wiki | Fandom
scp-096的隔间内绝对不允许出现监控摄像机或任何类型的光学工具。 安保人员应使用预先安装的压力传感器和激光探测器以确认SCP-096是否处于隔间中。 创建wiki
SCP-096 - Villains Wiki
SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid class anomaly contained by the Foundation, who will know if someone looked at its …
SCP-096 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-096 - The Shy Guy is a Euclid-class SCP from Series I, originally created by the author Dr. Dan in 2012. The titular subject of SCP-096 (also known by its nickname "The Shy Guy") is a …
SCP-096身世的秘密 神秘强大的力量从何而来 - 百家号
2020年12月17日 · 我们发现scp-096和scp-1529有着不少相似之处,比如1529会攻击看到他的人,096攻击看到自己脸的人; 1529可以在海拔8000米以上的雪山死亡线活动,096也可以在极 …
SCP-096 | Power Scaling Wiki | Fandom
SCP-096, known colloquially as the "Shy Guy" is a Euclid class entity in containment by the SCP Foundation. It takes the appearance of a skinny, white humanoid with bodily proportions …
SCP 096 The Shy Guy
SCP-096: The Shy Guy. Venture into the chilling abyss of the SCP Foundation universe and confront SCP-096, a creature whose existence challenges our understanding of reality, fear, …
SCP-096 - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
SCP-096, or "The Shy Guy" is a harmful humanoid SCP encountered in SCP - Containment Breach. SCP-096 is a humanoid creature that is normally extremely docile. However, when …