0D3, Tube 0D3; Röhre 0D3 ID4081, Voltage Regulator, single ...
Tube 0D3 or Röhre 0D3 ID4081, Voltage Regulator, single, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power-supply shown. Radio tubes are valves.
How do you use a 0D3 regulator? - diyAudio
2003年7月8日 · The OD3 is a mercury vapor cold cathode voltage regulator suitable for 150VDC at 40mA max. It needs a striking voltage ( igniting it) of 185V min. so, yes this should work. You'll need to calculate a dropper resistor to arrive at the "striking" voltage ( a little higher won't hurt but too low and the tube won't light up) using Ohms' law.
0D3 Voltage Regulator Tube - The Smell of Molten Projects in …
2015年10月22日 · 0D3 Voltage Regulator Tube – pinout. So the view is backwards when seen from the top, not that you’d ever need it: Ceramic octal tube socket – 0D3 pinout. The internal jumper across pins 3-7 allows you to disconnect the downstream circuit when the regulator isn’t in the socket, which is a Very Good Idea with a shunt regulator.
Vacuum Tube - 0D3-A / VR150, Voltage Regulator
The 0D3-A is a two-element gas filled, cold cathode voltage regulator. It is designed to provide a regulated output of approximately 150 volts. A jumper connected in the base between pins 3 and 7 provides the designer with several possible connections to ensure protection of associate components in case the regulator is removed from the socket.
0D3 tube what is it and what does it do? | Audiokarma Home …
2009年12月28日 · Like cademan said, the OD3 is a voltage regulator tube. It's function is to hold a constant voltage at a certain point in a power supply. It is probably the last tube to light because there has to be enough voltage/current going through it before it …
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0D3 - Tube Data
Title: 0D3 Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-10-30 Created Date: 10/30/2011 12:19:01 PM
Tube of the week: 0D3 Voltage Regulator : r/diytubes - Reddit
2016年7月22日 · The 0D3 (and its siblings the 0A3, 0B3, and 0C3) is an octal base, gas-filled, cold cathode voltage regulator. Voltage regulator tubes are characterized by a practically constant internal voltage drop (similar to a zener diode).
VR150 @ The Valve Museum
The VR150 is a gas filled discharge tube that exhibits a near constant voltage across the valve for currents within the range 5mA to 40mA. In fact the regulation is 150 plus or minus 5.5 Volts. …
Voltage-regulator tube - Wikipedia
Too large a capacitance (>0.1 μF for an 0D3, for instance), however, and the circuit will form a relaxation oscillator, definitely ruining the voltage regulation and possibly causing the tube to fail catastrophically. VR tubes can be operated in series for greater voltage ranges.
How to test this OD3 voltage regulator ube - Antique Radio …
2017年6月30日 · 0D3 is a 150 volt gas regulator tube. Those aren't filament pins but rather jumpers in base of the tube. Best to operate the tube in your Heath and see if it glows a purple color. You can test this tube with a power supply, resistor (10K @ 10 Watt) and meter. Use a power supply around 250 volts.