One:1 | Koenigsegg
The iconic Koenigsegg One:1 was the first homologated production car in the world a power-to-weight ratio of 1:1 - the 'dream' ratio previously thought impossible in a road-legal sports car. Hence the name One:1. And with one megawatt of power, it …
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科尼赛克One:1 - 百度百科
科尼赛克 One:1是全球首款功率质量比1:1 (kg/hp)的公路合法车型,也是全球首款超级汽车——功率达到1兆瓦(1000KW)的公路合法车型,同时也是使用公路合法轮胎最大弯道G值达到2G。
One:1 - koenigseggcn.com
科尼赛克 One : 1 树立了全新的性能标杆。 One:1 采用了独特的装备,既增强了赛道性能,同时丝毫不影响车辆的极速表现和日常可用性,更拥有令人惊叹的视觉外观。
柯尼塞格one:1 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月27日 · 柯尼塞格one:1(Koenigsegg One1)是一款 由瑞典柯尼赛格公司设计和生产的中置发动机跑车,由克里斯蒂安·冯·柯尼塞格设计 [1],于2014年3月在 日内瓦车展 正式首发亮相 [2],最高售价约1000万美金 [3]。 柯尼塞格one:1基于Agera车型,使用了全新的大尺寸前进气坝前唇、车身侧面空气导流翼板、连接车顶的大尺寸尾翼和加大的后散热格栅 [1],搭载5.0L V8涡轮增压发动机,最大输出功率1341马力(986kW),峰值扭矩可达1371N·m,匹配7速双离合变速 …
【科尼赛克One:1】2021款科尼赛克One:1新款价格和图片-科尼赛克One:1 …
内测车辆盘点:科尼塞克统治者,0NE:1,兰博基尼毒药,布加迪 …
内测车辆盘点:科尼塞克统治者(Koenigsegg Regera);科尼塞克0NE:1(Koenigsegg 0NE:1);兰博基尼毒药(Lamborghini Veneno);布加迪迪沃(BUGATTI Divo);玛莎拉蒂MC(Maserati MC Stradale);日产GT500(NISSAN MOUTUL AUTECH GT500);日产240Z(NISSAN 240Z),有你喜欢的车 视频播放量 ...
2015 Koenigsegg One:1 - Petersen Automotive Museum
2024年3月15日 · The One:1 (pronounced “one-to-one”) is the world’s first modern production car with a 1:1 power-to-weight ratio, and the first with a full megawatt of power. Released in 2014 as the most extreme vehicle built by record-setting Swedish manufacturer Koenigsegg, it is based on the Agera R, supplemented with adaptive aerodynamics like a Le ...
One:1 - Technical Specifications | Koenigsegg - Koenigsegg …
Get detailed technical specs for the Koenigsegg One:1, the world's first car with one megawatt of power. Explore its groundbreaking engineering and performance.