java - char '0x8' what character is this? - Stack Overflow
May 7, 2010 · The ASCII Character 0x08 (or 8) would be the Backspace character.ASCII Map. Share. Improve this answer ...
What are 0x01 and 0x80 representative of in C bitwise operations?
I'm trying to reverse the order of bits in C (homework question, subject: bitwise operators). I found this solution, but I'm a little confused by the hex values used -- 0x01 and 0x80.
Can someone explain hex offsets to me? - Stack Overflow
0x04 is hex for 4 (the 0x is just a common prefix convention for base 16 representation of numbers - since many people think in decimal), and that would be the fourth byte (since they …
c - What do numbers using 0x notation mean? - Stack Overflow
Jan 16, 2019 · What does a 0x prefix on a number mean? const int shared_segment_size = 0x6400; It's from a C program. I can't recall what it amounts to and particularly what the letter x …
c++ - Why use hex? - Stack Overflow
Oct 28, 2008 · There's no option for binary constants in C (until C23) or C++ (until C++14), but it's a bit clearer in Hex: 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, and 0x80. In the second …
c# - How to use 0x08 - Stack Overflow
Feb 10, 2012 · How do you use the ASCII value of backspace 0x08 programmatically in a WinForms TextArea? I tried in a console program: Console.WriteLine("Hello" + (char)0x8 + …
0x01, 0x04, 0x08. What Do These Mean? - Topic - d2jsp
Jul 1, 2006 · d2jsp Forums > Off-Topic > Computers & IT > Programming & Development > 0x01, 0x04, 0x08. What Do These Mean?
c - What is triggering an 0x08 interrupt? - Stack Overflow
Dec 19, 2013 · A colleague told me that interrupt 0x08 on the IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) is the timer. Of curse I checked and saw two possible answers: this which says that 8 is the real …
numbers - Hex combination of binary flags - Stack Overflow
Jan 9, 2010 · Which of the following give back 63 as long (in Java) and how? 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x4 0x8 0x10 0x20 I'm working with NetworkManager API flags if that helps. I'm getting 63 from …
assembly - How can the timer interrupt be 0x08 if the first 32 ...
Feb 14, 2017 · Then the reason for the overlap is indirectly suggested in the accepted answer, and the solution for protected mode (if you don't ever intend to change back to real mode) is at …