What does AND 0xFF do? - Stack Overflow
The byte1 & 0xff ensures that only the 8 least significant bits of byte1 can be non-zero. if byte1 is already an unsigned type that has only 8 bits (e.g., char in some cases, or unsigned char in …
java - What does "& 0xff" do? - Stack Overflow
& 0xff is a bitwise AND (image.getRGB(i,j)&0xff) gets the blue value of the rgb encoded int returned by getRGB the > b part check whether it's larger than some threshold
What does value & 0xff do in Java? - Stack Overflow
In 32 bit format system the hexadecimal value 0xff represents 00000000000000000000000011111111 that is 255(15*16^1+15*16^0) in decimal. and the …
What's the diffrence between \xFF and 0xFF - Stack Overflow
2015年2月26日 · Difference between '\xFF' and 0xFF is analogous to difference between 'a' and code of character 'a' (Let's assume it is 0x61 for some implementation) with only difference …
Embedded C: what does var = 0xFF; do? - Stack Overflow
2008年10月13日 · Here's a likely reason: 0xff is the binary complement of 0. It may be that on your embedded architecture, storing 0xff into a variable is more efficient than storing, say, 1 …
What's 0xFF for in cv2.waitKey (1)? - Stack Overflow
2016年2月12日 · 0xFF is a hexadecimal constant which is 11111111 in binary. By using bitwise AND (&) with this constant, it leaves only the last 8 bits of the original (in this case, whatever …
java - What do >> & and 0xff mean - Stack Overflow
2015年2月1日 · The easy way to do this is with a bitwise and. 0xff can also be written as 0x000000ff, which will set the upper 24 bits to 0, and only turn on the bits in the lower 8 which …
c++ - questions on 0xff - Stack Overflow
2011年7月30日 · int lb = pval & 0xff; This operation performs a bitwise AND operation on pval with 0xff. Because 0xff is represented as 1's in the lower 8 bits of the integer, it effectively masks …
Is byte 0xFF valid in a UTF-8 encoded string? - Stack Overflow
2011年4月14日 · U+00FF is and is encoded as \xC3\xBF in UTF-8. The highest byte value you can possibly have in a UTF-8 stream is 0xF4, and that's if you go into supplementary private …
Is the [0xff, 0xfe] prefix required on utf-16 encoded strings?
2018年11月15日 · But what really surprises me that I can decode b1 and b2 and they both reconstitute to the original string: >>> b1.decode('utf-16') == b2.decode('utf-16') True So my …