One:1 | Koenigsegg
Christian von Koenigsegg explains how his team has developed the new Koenigsegg One:1 5.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine which produces 1,360 hp and 1,371 Nm (1,011 lb-ft) of torque at 6000 rpm. The total weight of the engine is only 197 kg (434 lb) thanks to a carbon fiber intake manifold and aluminum construction.
Microsoft OneDrive
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One:1 - Technical Specifications | Koenigsegg - Koenigsegg …
Get detailed technical specs for the Koenigsegg One:1, the world's first car with one megawatt of power. Explore its groundbreaking engineering and performance.
科尼赛克One:1 - 百度百科
科尼赛克 One:1是全球首款功率质量比1:1 (kg/hp)的公路合法车型,也是全球首款超级汽车——功率达到1兆瓦(1000KW)的公路合法车型,同时也是使用公路合法轮胎最大弯道G值达到2G。
One:1 - koenigseggcn.com
One:1 是世界上第一款功率达到 1 兆瓦并且符合市场准入的车型, 因此成为世界上第一款真正意义上的兆瓦级跑车。 由此得名 One : 1 。 科尼赛克 One : 1 树立了全新的性能标杆。
1 - Wikipedia
1 (one, unit, unity) is a number, numeral, and glyph. It is the first and smallest positive integer of the infinite sequence of natural numbers.
Microsoft OneNote | The digital note-taking app for your devices
OneNote is a digital note-taking app that lets you capture, organize, and share notes across all your devices. — The free app that makes your Internet faster. - one.one.one … for Families adds a layer of malware protection to your home Wi-Fi, automatically blocking access to known malicious sites. for Families has two options: one that blocks only malware and another that blocks both malware and adult content. You can install it by changing the IP address settings on your home Internet router.
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