1-18-08 | Cloverpedia | Fandom
1-18-08 (internationally 18.01.08) is the release date of Cloverfield and the name of a website used to promote the film using Viral Marketing. The website has a number of pictures on it which provide clues as to the monster's origin.
科洛弗檔案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cloverfield - Wikipedia
Cloverfield was released on January 18, 2008, and received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised Reeves's direction and the cinéma vérité style narrative. It earned $172 million worldwide at the box office against a $25 million budget.
柯洛弗档案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
至2007年7月28日止,1-18-08.com网站上已放置了五张可以自由移动的照片,分别是在凌晨12:01、12:04、12:36、12:48及01:24拍摄,第一张照片是在预告片中的“派对”拍摄,而另外三张则是从预告中发生的“攻击事件”中拍摄,第五张(12:04)则回复至“派对”中至“攻击 ...
Viral | Cloverpedia | Fandom
The Viral is an online marketing campaign that was part of the promotion for the film Cloverfield. Puzzle websites containing Lovecraftian elements, such as Ethan Haas Was Right, were originally reported to be connected to the film.[1][2] On July 9, 2007, producer J. …
看来得重新看这部影片了(科洛弗档案)影评 - 豆瓣电影
2008年8月23日 · Cloverfield在公映之前就推出了一系列神秘的宣传网站,比如http://www.1-18-08.com,还有电影中几个主要角色(男主角Rob、Rob的女友Beth、Rob的哥哥Hawk、Hawk的女友Lily、拍摄DV的男孩Hud、被怪物咬伤致死的女孩Marlena)的博客——内容都更新到2008年1月18日为止,即影片在 ...
Remember When Cloverfield Ate the Internet? Good Times
2016年3月13日 · Cryptic hints and wild speculation about 1-18-08, Slusho, Tagruato, T.I.D.O Wave, and the Ethan Haas controversy flooded forums for a full six months back, and remain one of most intriguing ...
1-18-08 | PR Week
2007年7月10日 · It’s all shot with a herky jerky home video feel, which adds to the hysteria onscreen. At some point the qwords “From J.J. Abrams” flash on the screen and it ends with the date 1-18-08.
Cloverfield: 1-18-08 Website Removed? - /Film
2007年8月23日 · Update: As of 9:00pm pt on August 23rd, the 1-18-08.com website is now back up and running. Paramount has removed the 1-18-08.com website today. The site now redirects to the Paramount.com...
1-18-08 Project Cloverfield - Warning! Spoilers
2008年1月18日 · On October 22 episode of "South Park" called "Pandemic", the story tells about a kind of epidemic which attacks the world and the people in it. The episode is a kind of spoof of "Cloverfield", a 2008 monster horror film, using the involvement of Stan's …