Calcium carbonate tablet 1000 mg (CALTAB) - pharmbma.com
ข้อบ่งใช้ 1.ใช้เพื่อรักษาภาวะขาดแคลเซียม ป้องกันและรักษาโรคกระดูกพรุน 2.ใช้เป็นตัวจับฟอตเฟสในผู้ป่วยที่มีภาวะไตบกพร่อง. ข้อห้ามใช้และข้อควรระวัง. 1.ห้ามใช้ในผู้ที่เคยแพ้ยานี้หรือ แพ้ส่วนประกอบอื่นๆ ของยานี้. 2.ห้ามใช้ในผู้ที่มีภาวะไตบกพร่องรุนแรงที่ไม่ได้ทำการล้างไต. 3.ระวังการใช้ยานี้ในหญิงมีครรภ์และหญิงให้นมบุตร Click to listen highlighted text!
自費藥品 | 自費藥品 | 藥品資訊 | 就醫指南 | 天主教耕莘醫療財團法 …
緩解胃部不適或灼熱感、或經診斷為胃及十二指腸潰瘍、胃炎、食道炎所伴隨之胃酸過多。 制酸劑,中和過量之胃酸。 (1) 成人:每日3次,每次1000 mg (最大劑量:8000 mg/day)。 (2) 兒童: [3-6歲] 每日3次,每次250 mg; [6-12歲] 每日3次,每次500 mg; [≥12歲] 每日3次,每次1000 mg (最大劑量:8000 mg/day)。 一天3至4次,或需要時服用。 應嚼碎後吞服。 成人每次1錠,12歲以上適用成人劑量;6歲以上未滿12歲,每次1/2錠;3歲以上未滿6歲,每次1/4錠;3歲以下之嬰 …
Calcium carbonate tablet 1000 mg (CALTAB) (English Version)
Indications 1.Treatment of calcium deficiency. Treatment and prophylaxis of osteoporosis. 2.Be phosphate binder in the management of chronic renal failure. Contraindications and precautions. 1.Do not use if you had an allergic reaction to this medication or its components.
A-Cal (佳立鈣錠500毫克) - kcg.gov.tw
緩解胃部不適或灼熱感、或經診斷為胃及十二指腸潰瘍、胃炎、食道炎所伴隨之胃酸過多。 一天3至4次,或需要時服用。 應嚼碎後吞服。 12歲以上或成人:每次1錠。 腹脹、打嗝、噁心、頭痛。 需避光保存。
Calcium- Ob Cal Tab | b4drug.com
The Medicine Brand Ob Cal Tab is manufactured by Obsurge Biotech Limited and mainly contents the generic drug Calcium. 10 x 1. Calcium 1000mg Magnesium Hydroxide 100mg Zinc 4mg.
C Cal: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction & FAQ
2025年1月7日 · Calcium carbonate is currently the best and least expensive form of calcium supplement available. Adolescents and Adults: 1 tablet once or twice a day. Children: 1 tablet once a day. Dissolve effervescent tablet in a glass of water and drink immediately. Do not swallow or chew the tablet.
Max D Cal Tablet: View Uses, Side Effects, Price and Substitutes
2025年2月11日 · Max D Cal Tablet is a nutritional supplement used in the treatment of calcium deficiency. It is prescribed when your diet alone cannot provide the necessary calcium your body needs. It increases the absorption of calcium and helps to …
Cal 123 Total Tablet: Buy strip of 15.0 tablets at ... - 1mg
Cal 123 helps keep your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis; Cal 123 regulates high blood pressure and cholesterol levels; Cal 123 can also ease PMS symptoms and play a role in preventing certain cancers; Effects Of Deficiency: Lack of calcium can cause: Osteoporosis; Cataracts; Dental changes; Product Form: Tablet Directions For Use:
- 评论数: 115
Each chewable tab contains a proprietary combination of carbonate, citrate, and gluconate forms of calcium, plus concentrated herbal extracts, enzymes, and vitamin D to enhance absorption. Purely and naturally the best, Sunrider® Cal™ Tab makes a smart addition to your healthy lifestyle for the maintenance of good health. NOURISH + CLEANSE ...
Day Cal Tablet - Manfaat, Dosis, Efek Samping - K24k...
Beli Day Cal Tablet di K24klik dan dapatkan manfaatnya. Pencegahan defisiensi vitamin D dan Ca terutama selama hamil, laktasi, dan usia lanjut.