Chocapic13' Shaders - Minecraft Shaders - CurseForge
2021年2月28日 · V7, V8 and V9 requires at least Optifine for 1.12; There is no in-game options in order to switch between presets because each preset has specific optimizations that can't be enabled with the current shader option API Donations:
Chocapic13 Shaders 1.21, 1.21.5, 1.21.4 → 1.20 - Download
1 天前 · The Chocapic13 is about to blow our pixelated minds! First things first, let’s talk about versions. Currently, the pack has five main versions available: v6, v7, v8, V9, and V9.1. Now, newer versions do look better, but keep in mind they might require more performance juice and better hardware.
[光影汉化]Chocapic13 V6(全版本) - 哔哩哔哩
前言. Chocapic13 V6算是经典老牌低配光影了, 目前也看到许多使用低配机子的小伙伴在使用这款光影。 看着貌似没什么人汉化,且选项也不多,于是就出现了本专栏。
Chocapic13 Shaders 光影包 - Minecraft中文下载站
2016年5月17日 · Chocapic Shaders光影包,是使用很广泛的一款光影包,添加了树叶摇晃效果,真实光照效果,更好的水面效果,有多个版本供不同配置的玩家选择。 光影预览
Chocapic13' High Performance shaders - CurseForge
2020年9月20日 · The goal of this shaderpack is to have the core features of a shaderpack while maintaining extremely high framerates. For example on the Toaster Preset at 8 render distance, a RX 480 is completely CPU-limited at around 300-400fps with a Ryzen 7, it can also run at around 50-60fps on an integrated Intel HD620.
Chocapic13’s Shaders 1.20, 1.19.4 → 1.18.2 (High-Quality
2023年4月13日 · Thanks to updates as recent as February of 2021, Chocapic13’s Shaders work great with Minecraft 1.19.x and old versions. There are few shader packs with lighting effects as good as those you will see in Chocapic13’s Shaders, including the other packs that were created using this one as a foundation. One of the best effects is actually the ...
Chocapic13' Shaders 1.20 → 1.7 - Shaderpacks
2023年6月11日 · Minecraft versions: 1.20, 1.19.4 - 1.19, 1.18.2 - 1.18, 1.17.1 - 1.17 | 1.16.X - 1.12.2, 1.11.2 - 1.8.9, 1.7 Author: Chocapic13 Download Chocapic13 V9 Shaders Chocapic13′ Shaders are often used as the foundation for many other shader mods.
Download the Chocapic13 V7 Lite Shaders for Minecraft [1.21.4][1.20.1 ...
Rated 5.0/5.0 by 1 user. Creators and Publishers. Chocapic13. Creator. MinecraftStorage. Publisher. Share this post. Tags. chocapic low end lite mid end. Report. Chocapic13 V7 Lite Shaders. 0. Description Installation Screenshots Comments Downloads. All versions . Release Name Updated Game Versions Downloads Actions.
Chocapic13’s Shaders 1.19 / 1.18 - Minecraft Texture Packs
Versions V7, V8 and V9 of Chocapic13’s Shaders pack require at least Optifine for minecraft 1.12; Unfortunately, there are no in-game options for switching between presets, as each preset has certain optimizations that cannot be enabled using the current shader options API;
Chocapic13 V7 Lite Shaders for Minecraft [1.21.4][1.20.1][1.19.2][1…
The Chocapic V7 Lite shaderpack is here to change that. This shaderpack is well configured to run well on low end devices, so that everyone can enjoy the visual beauty of shaders, regardless of system specifications. Chocapic V7 Lite is built in such a way that even devices without a dedicated graphics card can provide decent game performance.