Bf 109E-4, Eduard 3003 (2009) - Scalemates
Eduard model kit in scale 1:32, 3003 is a rebox released in 2009 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Messerschmitt Bf 109 | EAN: 8591437030033
1.00e+02和2.34e-03 表示什么意思?好像是个数值 - 百度知道
1.00e+02表示1.00* (10^2) 2.34e-03表示2.34* (10^-3) 在一些数学软件中,这个e表示10,后面+02表示10的次方数
Convert 1e+3003 to number - Calculator Online
Here we will show you how to convert 1e+3003 to decimal number or what does 1e+3003 mean on calculator with step-by-step detailed explanation
1e3003 - Wolfram|Alpha
Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals. For math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music…
3003 Aluminium: Technical Specifications | Solitaire Steel ...
3003 Aluminium is an alloy primarily composed of aluminium with manganese as its main alloying element, which gives it higher strength compared to the 1100 series. Known for its excellent corrosion resistance and workability, 3003 Aluminium is commonly used in applications requiring moderate strength and excellent formability.
3003 - GB /T 3880.1-2012 - 材数库
• 3003铝板是铝锰合金系列的一款常用产品。 优于拥有了锰合金元素,该款产品具有优秀的防锈特性,又被称为防锈铝板。 强度比1100约高10%,成形性、溶接性、耐蚀性均良好。 用于加工 …
E1-BCTFNRNW-01, E Circulating Pump w/Adjustable Thermostat and Plug (1…
Goulds Pumps 60A0G3003 - E1-BCTFNRNW-01, E Circulating Pump w/Adjustable Thermostat and Plug (1/2" FPT)- <p>Designed with the highly efficient electronically commutated permanent magnet motor (ECM technology), this revolutionary pump consumes 40% less energy while delivering an added variable speed technology that offers further power savings.
- 评论数: 1
2012年3月1日 · 3003为AL-Mn系铝合金,是应用最广的一种防锈铝合金,这种铝合金的强度不高(稍高于工业纯铝),不能热处理强化,故采用冷加工方法来提高它的力学性能:在退火状态有很高的塑性,在半冷作硬化时塑性尚好,冷作硬化时塑性低,耐腐蚀好,焊接性良好,可 ...
STIHL Rollomatic® E 20" Chainsaw Bar, 1 Count - 3003 8921
The ROLLOMATIC® E is a general-grade laminated guide bar made of high-grade steel. Consisting of three electrically welded metal plates, it is lightweight, yet provides great stability. A sprocket is incorporated in the nose of the bar that carries the saw chain from the top to the bottom of the bar.
#1e3003 Color Hex
#1e3003 color RGB value is (30,48,3). #1e3003 hex color red value is 30, green value is 48 and the blue value of its RGB is 3. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of …