Slug (unit) - Wikipedia
One slug is a mass equal to 32.17405 lb (14.59390 kg) based on standard gravity, the international foot, and the avoirdupois pound. [3] In other words, at the Earth's surface (in standard gravity), an object with a mass of 1 slug weighs approximately 32.17405 lbf …
The Slug as a Mass Unit - HyperPhysics
The slug is the unit of mass in the US common system of units, where the pound is the unit of force. The pound is therefore the unit of weight since weight is defined as the force of gravity on an object.
斯勒格 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
斯勒格(slug)是英制單位中的一種質量單位。 若1 磅力 ( lb F )的力作用在某物體上,此物體獲得1 英尺 / 秒 2 (1 ft/s 2 )的加速度,則此物體的質量是1斯勒格。
斯勒格 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斯勒格(slug)是英制单位中的一种质量单位。 若1 磅力 ( lb F )的力作用在某物体上,此物体获得1 英尺 / 秒 2 (1 ft/s 2 )的加速度,则此物体的质量是1斯勒格。
Slug | Units of Measurement Wiki | Fandom
The slug is a unit of mass associated with British Imperial or United States customary units. It is a mass that accelerates by 1 ft/s 2 when a force of one pound-force (lb F) is exerted on it.
Convert Slug to Kilogram - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for slug to kilogram conversion or vice versa. The slug to kilogram [kg] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert slug or kilogram to other weight and mass units or learn more about weight and mass conversions.
斯勒格 - 百度百科
斯勒格 (slug)是 英制单位 中的一种 质量 单位。 表示1 磅力 (lb F )的力作用在某物体上,并使此物体获得1 英尺 /二次方 秒 (1ft / s^2)的加速度,则此物体的质量是1 斯勒格 。
Slug (unit) explained - Everything Explained Today
One slug is a mass equal to 32.17405lk=onNaNlk=on based on standard gravity, the international foot, and the avoirdupois pound. In other words, at the Earth's surface (in standard gravity), an object with a mass of 1 slug weighs approximately .
slugs是什么单位? - 百度知道
若1磅力(lbF)的力作用在某物体上,此物体获得1 英尺/秒2(1 ft/s²)的加速度,则此物体的质量是1斯勒格。 在标准重力场并采用国际英尺及常衡磅制的前提下(重力加速度 g = 9.80665 m/s² = 32.17 ft/s²,英尺换算为1 ft = 0.3048 m,磅换算为1 lbs = 0.4536 kg):
slugs of water or liquid怎么翻译,slug在工程上什么意思_百度知道
2012年12月24日 · slug(斯勒格)是一个计量单位,slugs of water or liquid的意思是指多少多少的水或液体。 在工程上,斯勒格 1 slug = 14.5939 kg (质量单位)斯勒格是在受到一磅重的力作用时产生每秒钟一英尺的加速度的质量单位。