If statement that multiplies pay rate by 1.5 if hours is ... - Answers
2023年1月30日 · It is the discharge rate of the battery rated in ampere hours. Yours could be any combination from 10 amps for 1 hour up to 1 amp for 10 hours. eg. 5 amps for 2 hours, 2.5 amps for 4 hours. Does ...
0.5 hour or 0.5 hours - WordReference Forums
2014年6月7日 · The plural (hours) is used unless the phrase is used as an adjective (e.g. a 0.5 hour presentation, which in practice would be said as "a half-hour presentation" or "a thirty-minute presentation"). Pronunciation: zero point five or nought point five (point five seems to be AE).
teaching - How many class room hours does the typical university ...
A credit hour is approximately 15 lecture hours over the course of a semester, so these loads vary from 33*15=495 teaching hours per year (9.5 hours / week on a 52-week year), to 6*4*15 = 360 hours per year (6.9 hours / week on a 52-week year). For this spring semester I am currently teaching 11 hours of lecture per week and an additional 4 ...
an hour's drive or an hours' drive | WordReference Forums
2012年9月30日 · It was two hours' drive from here. It was a two-hour drive from here. It was three minutes' walk away. It was a three-minute walk away. We had four weeks' holiday. (It could be four weeks together, or four weeks annually.) We had …
What is the molecular geometrical structure of C2H2Br2 and its ...
2024年6月4日 · The molecular geometrical structure of C2H2Br2 is linear, with the two carbon atoms bonded to the two bromine atoms in a straight line. The hybridization of the carbon atoms in C2H2Br2 is sp ...
What is a third of one teaspoon? - Answers
2025年1月5日 · 1.62 ml 1 milliliter equals 0.202 US teaspoons. 1 teaspoon is 4.928 milliliters
150%, 1.5 times, 1.5× or 1.5-fold - Academia Stack Exchange
2016年4月28日 · In my opinion, the expression. 1.5 times better. is to be avoided at all cost. It doesn't have any linguistic meaning.
Forma correcta para escribir "Estimado/a Sr./a" - WordReference …
2008年10月17日 · :) Un Saludo a toda la panda del patio! Me gustaría saber si es correcto escribir lo siguiente. Estimado/a Sr./a.: Por lo visto, repito mucho el signo "/". Cuál seria la forma correcta de dirigirse a alguien sin saber el sexo (redactar una …
1,80 m ¿metro o metros? | WordReference Forums
2017年1月9日 · ¿Pegada? No, siempre separada salvo alguna excepción. 5. Situación respecto de la cifra a la que acompañan a) Se escriben normalmente pospuestos y dejando un blanco de separación: 18 $, 4 km, 125 m2, 4 H. Se exceptúan el símbolo del porcentaje y el de los grados, que se escriben pegados a la cifra a la que acompañan: 25%, 12º.
How to add self-study workload in the ECTS credits?
In my university the credits assigned in the transcript of records correspond ONLY TO LECTURES (classroom hours), where 1 credit is equivalent to 15 hours, even though all lectures are accompanied by homeworks, exams and self-study time. I can convert the credits on my transcript but there is a clear lack of required ECTS credits.