What Happened on October 3, 2012 - On This Day
2012年10月3日 · Star Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo scores his first Champions League hat-trick in Real Madrid's 4-1 win against Ajax in Amsterdam. What happened on October 3, 2012. Browse historical events, famous birthdays and notable deaths from Oct 3, 2012 or search by date, day or keyword.
2012年10月03日万年历 - 万年日历查询
2012年10月3日 · 阴阳历的有非常明显的平年和闰年之分,年天数差异较大,历月为朔望月,因为12个朔望月与回归年存在一定的差别(少11天左右),所以阴阳历中设置闰月,用以协调回归年和朔望月之间的关系,存在闰月的年份中一年为十三个月(朔望月),是闰年。 一般每经过十九年就会有七个闰年。 区别于一年有十二个朔望月的平年。 因此这种历法即与月相相符又与地球绕太阳周期运动相符合。 中国的农历就是阴阳历的一种。 全年节日大全.
The Wall Street Journals' News Archive for October 3, 2012
2012年10月3日 · Search WSJ's digital archive of news articles and top headlines from October 3, 2012
Portal:Current events/October 2012 - Wikipedia
2012 Beirut bombing: Lebanese security forces fire shots into the air and tear gas at crowds, as protesters attempt to breach government offices of prime minister Mikati in response to a car bomb that killed intelligence chief Wissam al-Hassan.
Portal:Current events/2012 October 3 - Wikipedia
Tens of thousands of India's poorest farmers march more than 300 kilometers to Delhi in a Jan Satyagraha to demand land reform under the banner of Ekta Parishad. (Zee News) (Asia One) A few days later than initially planned, ATV-3 burns up; remaining parts plunge in the Pacific Ocean.
October 2012 Calendar
4 天之前 · View the month calendar of October 2012 including week numbers. This october 2012 calendar is always useful for example to see if you have vacation. View or download the 2012 calendar. Go to 2012 Calendar. See also the 2012 Holidays. The sunrise and sunset are calculated from New York.
中共中央 国务院 中央军委决定给三位航天员授奖
2012年6月16日,我国航天员景海鹏、刘旺、刘洋同志驾乘神舟九号载人飞船成功进入太空,在顺利完成与天宫一号目标飞行器自动交会对接和手控交会对接,并进入天宫一号圆满完成一系列科学实验后,于6月29日安全返回地面。 这次载人交会对接任务的圆满成功,实现了我国空间交会对接技术的又一次重大突破,标志着我国载人航天工程第二步战略目标取得了具有决定性意义的重要进展。 这是建设创新型国家取得的新成就,是中国人民在攀登世界科技高峰征程上铸就的新辉 …
October 03, 2012, What happened that day? | TakeMeBack.to
2012年10月3日 · Here's what happened on October 03, 2012: Aleppo Bombing Massacre A devastating terrorist attack occurred on Saadallah Al-Jabiri Square in northwestern Aleppo, resulting in at least 34 fatalities. The al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra claimed responsibility for the bombing, underscoring the intense violence of the Syrian Civil War.
2012年10月3日是农历几月几日,2012年10月3日阴历是多少,2012年10 …
三九皇历 (huangli999.com)提供2012年10月3日农历查询,2012年10月3日阴历查询,2012年10月3日农历是二〇一二年八月十八。