10 BBY - Wookieepedia
Star Wars: Timelines dates the proclamation of the New Order to 19 BBY, placing the zero point—the Battle of Yavin —of the 'ABY-BBY' dating system around 3277 LY and therefore establishing a difference of approximately 3,277 years between the two dating systems.
10 BBY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The book places that event in the year of 1000 BBY of the Galactic Standard Calendar—which was based around the date of the Battle of Yavin—therefore establishing a difference of one thousand years between the two dating systems.
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10 BBY | Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia | Fandom
The following events occurred in the Exodus galaxy during 10 BBY. Teshran Lor joins the Inquisitorius. Walter Sames joins the Imperial Academy. Garrett G. Granth IV is divorced for the the third...
10 BBY | Restore and Save Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
10 BBY General Information. Universe. Earth-Prime. Era(s) Imperial Era. Before. 11 BBY. Current. 10 BBY. After. 9 BBY. Dates in other dating systems. Year. 7967 in the Coruscant reckoning calendar. Year. 3267 LY in the Lothal Calendar. Year. 9 After the Formation of the Empire. Facts and statistics. Emperor. Sheev Palpatine.
10 BBY - Star Wars Legends Wiki
Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa first visited the Bilbringi System. Construction of Death Star I moves from Geonosis to Scarif. To cover up the existence of the Death Star, the First Galactic Empire launches the sterilization of Geonosis, bringing its multi– year occupation to an end.
10 BBY - Star Wars Fanon
Imperial troops invade and occupy Riast. Kulo Dri-Ma joins the Imperial Academy. The Galactic Empire attempts to invade Voltar. Citizens of the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania, the Imperial puppet state succeeding the former Confederate States of Earth, celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Treaty of Williamston.
10 BBY | SW1ki - Fandom
10 BBY covers events before the timeline of the game that include or impact game characters. For more information about what happened during this year see the 10 BBY article on Wookieepedia.
10 BBY | Star Wars Wikia | Fandom
h10 BBY is 10 years before the Battle of Yavin. Solo Solo: Expanded Edition Solo: Expanded Edition audiobook Solo: A Star Wars Story Read-Along Storybook and CD Han on the Run Meet the Crew Train Heist Solo, Part I Solo, Part II Solo, Part III Solo, Part IV Solo, Part V Solo, Part VI Solo, Part VII Han Solo - Imperial Cadet 5 Star Wars 15: From the Journals of Old Ben Kenobi Star Wars 20: From ...
10 ABY - Wookieepedia
Star Wars: Timelines dates the proclamation of the New Order to 19 BBY, placing the zero point—the Battle of Yavin —of the 'ABY-BBY' dating system around 3277 LY and therefore establishing a difference of approximately 3,277 years between the two dating systems.