Basis Points (bps) Definition & Example - InvestingAnswers
2020年10月6日 · Why Do Basis Points (bps) Matter? The term basis points avoids the ambiguity in discussions about rates. Confusion could arise in a statement such as, 'a 1% increase from a 10% interest rate.' The 1% increase could be interpreted as either an increase from 10% to 10.1% (relative) or 10% to 11% (absolute).
Credit Spread Definition & Example - InvestingAnswers
2020年8月21日 · Let’s assume a 20-year bond issued by Apple Computer (NASDAQ: AAPL) is yielding 2.52% versus the 20-year U.S. Treasury note yielding 2.42%. The credit spread would be just 10 basis points (bps); an extremely tight—almost nonexistent—credit spread.
Yield Spread Definition & Example - InvestingAnswers
2020年10月6日 · Spreads are generally described in ' basis points,' which is abbreviated ' bps ' and pronounced 'beeps.' One percentage point is equal to 100 bps. In the example above, a bond trader would say that the yield spread between the two bonds is '200 beeps.' Yield spreads help investors identify opportunities.
Yield to Maturity Calculator | YTM | InvestingAnswers
3 天之前 · It doesn’t have to be difficult to calculate yield to maturity. Check out InvestingAnswers’ YTM calculator – it takes all the guesswork out of the process!
Effective Duration Definition & Example - InvestingAnswers
2020年10月6日 · This bond's effective duration is 10.00. This means that for every 100 basis point change in rates, the bond's price will change by 10.00%. Effective duration takes into account what commonly happens to callable bondholders: interest rates change over time and the bond is called away before it matures.
Loan Syndication Definition & Example - InvestingAnswers
2021年3月16日 · Often, such transactions require the services of a specialist who syndicates the loan on behalf of the borrower; identifying lenders while negotiating terms and conditions, and even representing the borrower throughout disbursements. Loan syndication fees can be expensive, ranging from 5% to 10% of the loan principal. Why Loan Syndication Matters
Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR) - InvestingAnswers
2019年10月1日 · Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR), is the rate at which European banks offer to lend unsecured funds to each other in the euro market.
Contango Definition & Example - InvestingAnswers
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Mark-to-Market | Meaning & Examples - InvestingAnswers
2020年9月29日 · What does mark-to-market (MTM) mean? Using real-world examples, it's never been easier to discover what this common accounting term means for your assets.
Tangible Book Value Per Share (TBVPS) - InvestingAnswers
2019年10月1日 · tbvps = $10,000,000/1,000,000 = $10.00 Why Does Tangible Book Value Per Share (TBVPS) Matter? TBVPS indicates how much shareholders might get if the company were to liquidate today and the assets were sold for the values reflected on the balance sheet (which really doesn't happen that often).