100 MHz VCXO Oscillators – Mouser - Mouser Electronics
100 MHz VCXO Oscillators are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 100 MHz VCXO Oscillators.
100MHZ Voltage Controlled - VCO & VCXO Oscillators
Buy 100MHz Voltage Controlled - VCO & VCXO Oscillators. Newark Electronics offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support.
电压控制振荡器 (VCO) 的基础知识及其选型和使用-CSDN博客
2021年2月20日 · 图中所示为一个中心频率为 1 千兆赫 (GHz)、调谐范围约为 100 兆赫 (MHz) 的 Colpitts 振荡器 VCO 的评估板参考设计。 该参考设计集成了一个射极跟随器缓冲器,以隔离 VCO 的负载变化。
Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) - Mini-Circuits
Wide selection of models from spot frequency and narrow band to medium and wide bandwidths up to 1.5 octaves with low phase noise, linear tuning, dual outputs, 5V tuning for PLLs and more!
Frequency 100 MHz Tuning Voltage 0 - 5 VDC Bias Voltage +5 VDC @ 17 mA (Max.) Output Power +6 dBm (Min.) Tuning Sensitivity 0.2 - 0.3 MHz/V (Typ.) Output Impedance 50 Ohms (Nom.) Harmonic Suppression 22 dB (Typ.) ... VCO - …
POS-100+ SK/TD/CP/AM 150930 Page 1 of 2 Outline Drawing Linear Tuning 50 to 100 MHz CASE STYLE: A06 Features • excellent harmonic suppression, -23 dBc typ. • 3 dB modulation bandwidth, 0.1 MHz typ. • hermetically sealed Applications • test instruments • agile communications systems Voltage Controlled Oscillator Outline Dimensions ...
Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C Absolute Max. Supply Voltage (Vcc) +16V Absolute Max. Tuning Voltage (Vtune) +18V Electrical Specifications REV. C M151107 ZOS-100+ SK/TD/CP/AM 151007 Outline Drawing Dual Output 50 to 100 MHz Features • octave bandwidth • linear tuning, 4.5 MHz/V typ. • excellent harmonic suppression, -29 dBc typ.
Surface Mount (SMT) VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillators)
Surface Mount (SMT) Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) From 40 MHz to 100 MHz, Phase Noise of -118 dBc/Hz and 0.5 inch Package
JTOS-100 50 - 100 MHz(VCO振荡器)【指标、详情、明细】-FindRF
FindRF提供JTOS-100 50 - 100 MHz的制造商,各项详细指标以及对比 ... 技术资讯; 找货定制; 测试服务; 射频工具; Submit. 注册; 登录; 搜索 . 首页; 振荡器; VCO振荡器; JTOS-100;
Voltage Controlled Oscillators - everything RF
A Voltage Controlled Oscillator is a device whose oscillation frequency is controlled by varying the voltage applied to the device. VCO's from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download Datasheets, Compare products and Request Quotations.