Patch 11.3 notes - League of Legends
2021年2月3日 · Who needs chocolates when you’ve got balance changes and crystal roses? Welcome to February and another big ol’ patch! This time around, we took a large sweep across items to tweak what's hitting too hard and what's needing some love, categorized into 6 sections: tank, enchanter, marksman, fighter, mage, and sustain items.
11.3版本介绍:热门打野全部削弱,塞拉斯,吸血鬼大加强!20位英雄 …
LOL 11.3英雄详细改动一览:打野潘森削弱,部分ADC加强,奥拉 …
在今天早上,lol设计师公布了11.3版本的英雄改动数据,一起来看看吧。 昨日公布的11.3版本装备改动见以下专栏: LOL 11.3版本装备详细改动与英雄改动名单一览:坦克、战士装备遭削弱,沙漏涨价
Patch 11.3 - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
Welcome to February and another big ol' patch! This time around, we took a large sweep across items to tweak what's hitting too hard and what's needing some love, categorized into 6 sections: tank, enchanter, marksman, fighter, mage, and sustain items.
LOL 11.3版本装备详细改动与英雄改动名单一览:坦克、战士装备 …
在今天凌晨,lol设计师公布了11.3的装备详细改动和英雄改动名单,一起来看看吧。 ps:英雄改动部分目前只有改动名单,详细改动应该会在明后天出炉。
V11.3 | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
Sign-ups and team formation for the first Clash of Season 2021 will begin during 11.3 on Monday, February 15th. The tournament will officially start in patch 11.4. Explosion base damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210. Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R) 50% AP.
《LOL》11.3版本英雄改动内容详解 11.3版本英雄有什么改动_九 …
LoL 11.3 Patch Notes - Gfinity Esports
2021年2月2日 · LoL 11.3 Patch Notes: Release Date, Skins, Champion Nerfs And Buffs, Update Time And Everything You Need To Know For League of Legends
《LOL》11.3更新版本内容内容一览 11.3版本更新了什么_九游手 …
《lol》在2月4日进行了11.3版本的更新。 这次更新对许多英雄与装备进行了调整,并且还有2021牛年新春系列皮肤与情人节系列皮肤的更新。 下面小编就为大家带来L
Here are the notes and updates for League of Legends Patch 11.3
2021年2月2日 · This week’s League of Legends patch features sweeping changes to a large selection of items, covering five categories: tank, enchanter, marksman, fighter, and sustain.