[Comparison] 90 FOV vs 110 FOV : r/apexlegends - Reddit
2019年2月27日 · Apex Legends uses FoV 4:3 rather than 16:9 thus a 103 fov from overwatch would be somewhere around 87. The default 90 fov would be equivalent to 106 of csgo. Reply reply
You're playing on the wrong FOV : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
90 fov - 1.2857 104 fov - 1.4857 110 fov - 1.5714 These are the correct values, as if you multiply each by 70, the number will amount to the corresponding FOV given. So, clarifying one more time, do NOT use the FOV slider to set your actual FOV, …
70 fov vs 110 fov : r/apexlegends - Reddit
2020年7月24日 · Quake Champions only differs in how the FOV is defined as it uses 16:9 base as all modern games, so 100 FOV setting actually means 100 FOV on a 16:9 screen, but same real FOV still works absolutely identical across all games.
What does 90°/100°/110° FOV look like compared to RL ? Link
2014年6月13日 · Forgive my art skills, but here's a good representation of the separate FOV's. Orange line is 90° Yellow line is 100° Green line is 110° Black line is 120° (edge of periphery when focused staight ahead) Blue line is 190° (edge of perifery when focused on periphery) When looking staight ahead, the human eye can only distinguish 120°.
Is there a "must have" FOV for certain screen sizes?
There's pros and cons to lower or higher FOV I've gathered from YouTube videos and my own experience. Pros of Higher FOV (like 96-110): more peripheral vision, recoil looks less intense (but is still the same), and close range fights aren't as overwhelming since everything looks smaller (just a few big ones)
How to increase/improve your FoV beyond the 90° horizontal FoV.
2020年9月15日 · For comparison, that 90° horizontal FoV would be roughly 60° vertical FoV on a 16:9 monitor. Luckily, there is a simple tweak you can do to change the slider in the settings to use vertical FoV instead. That would mean that 90° …
What FOV(Field of View) do you personally use? : r/apexuniversity
2022年5月3日 · Yup, 110 (the max through in game settings) and 104 (coming from Overwatch I think) seem to be the majority. And the setting isn't the "actual" fov you end up with. 110 ingame is closer to 123.3° and 104 closer to 118.1° The whole setting is a mess.
Fortnite with 110° FOV : r/FortniteCompetitive - Reddit
2019年4月15日 · Coming from Rainbow Six, I used to see pros using lower fov because they liked it better with 1x scopes and irom sights. In fortnite, the higher fov makes it harder to hit shots far away. Having an FOV slider would give people the option to play with what's best for them. I don't like the idea of capping people at the same settings.
What FOV do you use? (Discuss why) : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
2021年4月1日 · Pros of High FOV (>100 FOV): Targets are easier to track as they are moving slower across your screen. Recoil feels much easier to control as it travels less monitor distance so it appears less strong. Higher sensitivities are more viable as they feel slower than if it was the same sensitivity on a lower FOV.
Anyone else wish The Finals supported 110 FOV? Every other
2024年3月19日 · Embark are using vertical fov. It’s a bunch of old school Dice devs, it was the same in battlefield. 110 horizontal FoV is around 78 on the in game slider. That’s why you see everyone running around at Mach 3 with super distorted fisheye fov. Noobs with their slider set to 100 thinking it’s horizontal FoV…..lol kids these days.