TAM 110 T7 B/BV - Wikipedia
TAM 110 T7 B/BV is a general purpose off-road lorry made by Yugoslav (today Slovenian) vehicle manufacturer Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor (TAM). The four-wheel drive lorry is designed for transport of personnel, weapons and material as for traction of weapons and trailer up to 2.5 tons of weight (1.5 off-road) for the needs of the Yugoslav People ...
TAM 110 T7 B/BV - YouTube
2022年1月21日 · TAM 110 T7 B/BV is a general purpose off-road lorry made by Yugoslav (today Slovenian) vehicle manufacturer Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor (TAM). The four-wheel drive lorry is designed for transport...
TAM 110 T7 B/BV (Q18145952) - wikidata.org
general purpose off-road lorry. This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 11:13. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.By using this site, you agree to the Terms of ...
TAM110 T7 BV 4x4 Basisfahrzeug - 4x4Schweiz
2022年4月30日 · Der TAM110 T7 BV 4x4 eignet sich wunderbar zum Ausbau als Expeditionsmobil. Durch seinen Allradantrieb und den extrem kurzen Radstand von knapp 2,8m ist der Kleine sehr wendig im Gelände und kommt beinah überall durch.
TAM 110 T7 — Википедија - sr.wikipedia.org
TAM 110 T7 B/BV je vojni terenski kamion, zasnovan na modelu „Dajc“ (nem. Deutz) 130 T7, koji je proizvodio slovenački TAM tokom osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka.
TAM 110 T7 — Википедија
tam 110 t7 Б/БВ је војни теренски камион, заснован на моделу „Дајц“ (нем. Deutz ) 130 T7, који је производио словеначки ТАМ током осамдесетих година двадесетог века.
TAM - ugasli slovenski ponos - RTV SLO - RTV Slovenija
2008年7月4日 · Ena glavnih usmeritev TAM-a je bila tudi gradnja oziroma nadgradnja vozil za vojaške potrebe. Robustne tovornjake še vedno uporablja tudi Slovenska vojska. Na fotografiji TAM 110 T7 BV - 4 x 4. Poleg drugih vozil so s proizvodnih trakov v …
Specifičnosti u rukovanju i održavanju terenskog vozila TAM 110
Specifičnosti u rukovanju i održavanju terenskog vozila TAM 110 T7 BV is a Yugoslavian (Slovenian) Short Documentary Film. It is defined as an educational. It was directed by Štefan Zagorjan. It was produced by Zastava film.
Dimitrije Dejanic - 1976 TAM 110 T7 B/BV
TAM 110 T7 B/BV was originally designed by the German company Magirus Deutz as the 130 T7, rejected by the German military, it was accepted by the Yugoslav army with some modifications (main one being the switch to a Deutz F 4L 413 FR large …
TAM 110 T7, 1987 god. - Njuškalo
2023年11月1日 · TAM 110 T7, 1987 god. 1987. Prodajamo gasilsko vozilo s tipizacijsko oznako GVGP-2. Vozilo se prodaja brez opreme. Več informacij po telefonu in ob ogledu.