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Phase I study of PT-112, a novel pyrophosphate-platinum …
PT-112 is the first pyrophosphate-platinum conjugate in oncology clinical development, with a multimodal mechanism of action shown to promote immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD), including increases in relevant immune cell populations (i.e. dendritic cells and cytotoxic / helper T cells) in pre-clinical model systems. Added value of the study.
Guia de utilização do 112
O 112 é o número de telefone de emergência único europeu, disponível em toda a UE, a título gratuito. Acidentes podem acontecer em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Pode acontecer quando estiver a visitar um país da UE ou em casa.
A phase 2 study of immunogenic cell death inducer PT-112 in …
2023年2月21日 · Preclinical studies have shown the robust induction of immunogenic cell death by PT-112, leading to an anti-cancer adaptive immune response. Biodistribution experiments in mice showed PT-112’s partial bone affinity.
About PT-112 | Promontory Therapeutics | Advancing small …
PT-112 inhibits ribosomal biogenesis (RiBi) and selectively kills cancer cells. PT-112’s best-in-class ICD effects stimulate dendritic cells to recruit and activate T-cells to the tumor microenvironment (TME), creating the potential for effective and durable responses.
Immunogenic cell death—the next frontier in cancer immunotherapy …
Lead compound PT-112 has a unique hybrid mechanism of action (MOA)—both cytotoxic and immunomodulating—that distinguishes it from other anti-cancer agents on the market.
PT-112 (PT-112) - 药物靶点:DNA_在研适应症:胸腺癌,胸腺上 …
2023年5月1日 · PT-112 is a novel platinum-pyrophosphate conjugate under clinical development for cancer therapy. PT-112 mediates cytostatic and cytotoxic effects against a variety of human and mouse cancer cell lines in vitro. The cytotoxic response to PT-112 is associated with the emission of danger signals underpinning the initiation of anticancer immunity ...
Secretaria Geral do MAI - Portugal
O projeto de localização de chamadas do 112, designado por 112L, tem como objetivo, a localização geográfica das chamadas de emergência cumprindo assim uma norma europeia que obriga a essa localização.
2018年1月3日 · PT-112注射液是一种静脉注射的小分子磷铂,由Phosplatin治疗开发,其在中国及其周边国家的开发权利已经授予Phosplatin在美国的合作伙伴。 本试验的适应症是晚期实体瘤和晚期肝细胞癌。
上海PT-112注射液II期临床试验-PT-112联合吉西他滨治疗晚期实 …
2019年5月30日 · 上海复旦大学附属中山医院开展的pt-112注射液ii期临床试验信息,需要患者受试者,主要适应症为晚期实体瘤 试药员招聘与临床试验信息平台 首页