2006年2月28日 · The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing …
DoD Forms Management Program - Executive Services Directorate
2016年1月1日 · Form Number: DD 1149. Title: Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document. Edition Date: 01/01/2016. Authority: DoD 4500.9-R. For use of this form please contact: The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (A&S)
DLA Official Forms - Defense Logistics Agency
Agency forms will satisfy a valid need and be properly designed using plain language and standardized data for easy collection, processing, analysis, and retrieval of information. Find lists of official forms from the Defense Logistics Agency, including links to other relevant DOD Forms.
DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, January 2016 Author: WHS/ESD/DD Subject: DD 1149C attached as Page 2. Created Date: 1/27/2016 11:11:32 AM ...
DD Form 1149, "Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document" Created Date: 4/10/2020 10:39:17 AM ...
Issue Release/Receipt Document, Figure 203-2, DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, Figure 203-1, or a contract. Personal property consignees are listed in the Personal Property Consignment Instruction Guide (PPCIG). Identify the consignee by the
The DD1149 has many uses with DoD, but for the defense contractor is generally used for documenting property transfer. It generally accompanies Government-Furnished Property (GFP) to be serviced, as well as GFP/GFM/GFE to be used temporarily by the contractor.
collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Department of Defense, Executive Services Directorate (0704-0246). Respondents
Form DD-1149 Invoice/Shipping Document - OMB 0704-0246
2023年12月5日 · Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) Part 245, Government Property, related clauses in DFARS 252, and related forms in DFARS 253. ⚠️ Notice: This form may be outdated. More recent filings and information on OMB 0704-0246 can be found here: collection of information.
DD Form 1149 - Fill Out, Sign Online and Download Fillable PDF
DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document is a form issued by the Department of Defense (DoD) for records of invoice, requisition, and shipping of materials between both receiving and shipping sides under DoD jurisdiction.
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