Home of the 116th Air Control WIng
116th ACW vehicle maintenance specialists maintain ground vehicles to keep the jets in the air
116th and 461st AMXS Able Chief Graduation - Robins Air Force Base
2019年1月24日 · Robins Air Force Base, Ga. - Team AMXS held their first-ever Able Chief Graduation, Friday, January 18, 2019 on Robins Air Force Base. During the ceremony, 12 Airmen with the 116th and 461st Aircraft Maintenance Squadrons were recognized for completed the 90-day training course.
116th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron | CurrentOps.com
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116th AMXS Athlete honored - 116th Air Control Wing
2006年11月29日 · The 116th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron surveillance radar technician has been a member of the Air Force track and field team since 1992 competing in sprint races with times of 46 seconds in the 400 meters, below 21 seconds …
Aircraft Maintenance units rewarded – Houston Home Journal
2013年3月12日 · “It’s truly an honor for our team to be recognized,” said Lt. Col. Bobby Nash, 116th AMXS commander. “Maintainers juggled robust home station Ready Aircrew Program requirements and higher headquarters inspections while simultaneously delivering unprecedented aircraft generation rates that met the appetite of multiple combatant ...
Maintainers take Air Force effectiveness award
Members of Robins' 116th and 461st Aircraft Maintenance Squadrons received the award for "outstanding contributions to the success of the Air Force and Department of Defense maintenance mission." "It's truly an honor for our team to be recognized," said Lt. Col. Bobby Nash, 116th AMXS commander.
Patrick Walsh - Maintenance Superintendent - Georgia Air
Chief Master Sergeant Patrick Walsh is the Maintenance Superintendent of the 116th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (AMXS), 116th Air Control Wing, Robins AFB, Georgia. He is responsible for 300+...
The 116th Maintenance Squadron was created from the Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron by the reorganization of all Air National Guard aircraft maintenance functions in May 1995.
116th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (116 AMXS), 116th …
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116 AMXS and the 461 AMXS work together to perform pre
1.4K views, 24 likes, 0 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Reels from 116th Air Control Wing: 116 AMXS and the 461 AMXS work together to perform pre-flight for the E-8C Joint STARS aircraft. #oneteam...