Inside The 1176 Compressor (The Legend Lives On) - Audio Spectra
The 1176 compressor was first introduced by Universal Audio in 1967. It quickly became a favorite among recording engineers for its fast attack time, presence, and ability to add …
1176 vs. 1176 vs. 1176:对比经典1176压缩器的各个版本
1176 AE还配置了官方介绍中所说的“Hot-Rod改装”,也就是 增加了176型号中的2:1压缩比选项 ,这也为用户 提供了更丰富的“Multi-Button”(多按键)压缩比组合 。
压缩器专题06——FET压缩器代表:1176(下):特点、英国模式 …
2020年9月16日 · 1176上的阈值其实是固定的,在不同的压缩比下有不同的固定阈值,用户是通过控制输入旋钮(Input)来控制输入信号的大小从而控制具体的压缩量的。 输入信号电平小, …
The 1176 Compressor: A Deep Dive into Its Variations and Legacy
The 1176 compressor is one of the most iconic and revered pieces of gear in the audio engineering world. Its signature sound and versatility make it a must-have in both analog and …
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the 1176 Rev D Schematic: …
Explore the 1176 Rev D schematic, a classic analog audio compressor circuit known for its distinct sound and versatile dynamics control. Learn about the different components and …
The 1176 at 50: The Past and Future of the World's Most - Reverb
2017年12月26日 · Using the newly invented Field Effect Transistor (FET), Putnam redesigned his own 175/176 tube compressor and renamed it the 1176. When it was released in 1967, it sold …
混音师必备压缩器UAD 1176使用教程 - 哔哩哔哩
Exploring the Inner Workings of the 1176 Schematic
The 1176 is known for its fast attack time, transparent compression, and ability to add warmth and character to recordings. The schematic diagram of the 1176 compressor provides a detailed …
The History of the 1176 Compressor: Revisions A to H
2023年5月28日 · 1176 Revisions A to H. If you search up "1176 compressor" on Google, you'll see that there are multiple different hardware revisions. These revisions range from A to H. …
[BUILD] 1176 Rev F/G - new board, new transformer!
2004年6月3日 · Though I haven't figured out exactly why yet, the new Rev F board measures below 0.06% THD while the best figure I can get with the G1176-type board is around 0.143% …