Digital modes on 11 meters - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2009年3月4日 · I have heard packet mode on the DX band of 11 meters above channel 40. My question is about the other modes such as JT65, FT8, Olivia or RTTY and more...
FT8 on 11mtr band - forumotion.com
2021年4月16日 · Join in with the fun of the Charlie Tango DX Group Winter 11m Challenge - from December 1st 2024
FT8 11 Meters 27.265MHz | Facebook
A group for the people who enjoy using FT8 mode on 11 meters. Monitor frequency 27.265MHz.
Digital modes on 11m - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2017年10月23日 · It's amazing the range of a stock 12watt ssb radio. there is some digital sstv on 27.700. FT8 would give CB new life since you can not now legaly DX 150+ miles. I played around with digital back in early 1990's but CB was still big and not at all interested in that. In fact people were moving from CB right to the internet in early 1990's.
G.R.I. ALFA TANGO - Digital Modes
World 11m Band CB ROS Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/187276508106930. FT8. The king of digital modes on HF, 90% of the digital activity on the Amateur Radio bands is FT8. The problem is that the current software available are not able to deal with our callsings format and is almost impossible to use this mode in a proper way.
CWSL_DIGI-added-11m-and-4m-Band-in-config-as-option …
Program for decoding FT8, FT4, JT65 and WSPR with Software Defined Radio receivers (SDR) and sending spots to spotting networks such as Reverse Beacon Network, PSKReporter and WSPRNet. - fnordism/C...
ClusterDX - Discussion Forum: digimod FT8/ROS,...
2023年3月17日 · I received information that on 11M the frequency for FT8 is 27.265 , I made some contacts there, although FT8 is not 11 meters friendly
业余无线电FT8模式初体验 - RIVALSA网络日志
ft8是一种数字通信模式,按照一定规则将文字编码为声音后通过无线电发送。 相对于话音通联模式,FT8解决了话音通联中各地HAM之间的语言不通造成信息无法有效交换的问题且无需记忆任何电码,而且由于FT8对信号强度要求较低,即在很弱的信号强度下,依然 ...
JTDX 简体中文版 最新FT8软件 [更新中] - HamCQ 社区
FT8模式由WSJT开发团队的Joseph Taylor、K1JT开发,它是一种效率非常高的数字通信模式。 JTDX开发团队在WSJT软件开源项目的基础上二次开发出了JTDX软件,使解码、操控等方面更加强劲、好用。
FT450D FT8 Digital modesup - forumotion.com
2020年12月30日 · You're lucky in that your 450D has a 6 pin min-DIN DATA socket that can be used as a sound interface and you can even use the radios menu option setting for "Digi-VOX" to enable auto transmit. Along with the 9 pin DIN serial port you should be able to use CAT control too giving you automatic frequency setting and USB mode select.