BK-12 - DayZ Wiki
The BK-12 is an early game tier 1 shotgun, commonly found in both civilian and hunting areas. Pre-apocalypse, it was most likely used as a hunting shotgun. The BK-12 doesn't use magazines, similar to all shotguns excluding the Vaiga, however the BK-12 only has a single slot for ammo, similar to the BK-18.
2024年11月9日 · 12-鞋子-保暖,防水,耐磨,之所以加上耐磨,是因为你每走一步都在消耗鞋子的耐久,而当鞋子毁坏时,哈哈,准备好双脚流血吧,除非你寸步不移,另外,有时防水雨靴能提供更好的效果,尤其是当你淌水的时候,他能防止你的体温快速降低,毕竟寒从脚下起 ...
Sawed-off BK-12 - DayZ Wiki
Sawed-off old break-action shotgun, also known as ""Spartan"". Very effective deterrent against wildlife and other threats. Chambered in 12ga. The Sawed-off BK-12 is a shotgun in DayZ. It was added in Update 1.19, and can be crafted by sawing off a BK-12 with a Hacksaw or a Hand Saw.
BK-12 | DayZ
BK-12. An old break-action shotgun, also known as "Spartan". Very effective deterrent against wildlife and other threats. Chambered in 12ga. In-Game Description
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Sawed-off BK-12 | DayZ - thisisloot.com
Sawed-off old break-action shotgun, also known as "Spartan". Very effective deterrent against wildlife and other threats. Chambered in 12ga. Locate this item with the Loot Finder Tool. Use this tool to find every kind of loot on Chernarus, Livonia, and Sakhal!
2024年12月1日 · 前言:Oyes Vanilla dayz server 是一个硬核生存PVP服务器,我们团队致力于打造任何地区玩家都能正常游玩的高质量服务器,如果您喜欢活跃的管理,强力度的监管作弊,平衡的服务器设定,不一样的香草服务器,欢迎加入我们!
dayz吧12月份服务器信息整合帖 - 百度贴吧
Dayz国服硬核困难的生存PVE服务器,疯狂尸潮的欢迎,变异僵尸的侵袭,真实的僵尸末日生存。 你准备好与僵尸作战了吗? 先进群再进服,服务器因玩家比较多,出现了同名假服,先进群再进服,避免进入到假服。
DayZ模组(DayZ Mod)是2012年5月出现的基于《武装突袭2》的僵尸生存类第三方模组,由于其独特的游戏体验,该模组收到了巨大的成功,至2012年9月23日为止,玩家数量达到了125万。
DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, players follow a single goal: Survive by any mean necessary.