The Keyboard Shift Cipher - Code Golf Stack Exchange
1234567890 QWERTYUIOP ASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM Perform the following operation: Find the original row that each character is in on the keyboard. Replace the letter with the correct shifted equivalent for n based on its original position + n. E.G. s="AB" and n=2: A would become D and B would become M.
A keyboard so real you can almost TASTE it - code golf
2016年12月13日 · `1234567890-=BS TAB qwertyuiop[]\ CAPS asdfghjkl;'ENTER SHIFT zxcvbnm,./SHIFT It enters it pretty straightforward, but there are a few tricks that we use to save characters. For example, ¬19 enters "123456789", ³ enters three spaces, and we duplicate the shift so that we don't need to enter it multiple times.
Help Alice fix her text! - Code Golf Stack Exchange
2021年7月1日 · "[poiuytrewq;lkjhgfdsa,mnbvcxz is a string of every possible char followed by the char it's meant to be (i.e. ytrewq) with two spaces on the end (space is meant to be space); This is all surrounded with .r which will translate each element of Q (Input) into the next element.
code challenge - Print the QWERTY keyboard using keys that are …
2015年12月27日 · Jolf, 118 + 51 = 169. Try it here! (underscores in explanation used to denote a used space) R m{"QWERTYUIOP'ASDFGHJKL'ZXCVBNM"#DN+*S' RH' }"\n" _m map {"QWERTYUIOP'ASDFGHJKL'ZXCVBNM"# that array DN } with this function +*S'_ that concats (index many) spaces RH'_ with the inner array joined by spaces R and join that "\n" with newlines
Programming with a Sporadic Shift Key - Code Golf Stack Exchange
2014年10月17日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
code golf - One line Keyboard - Code Golf Stack Exchange
2018年10月10日 · The Challenge The goal of this challenge is to determine whether a given String can be typed using only one line of a standard UK QWERTY keyboard. This is code golf, so shortest solution in bytes...
Fix my Fat Fingers - Code Golf Stack Exchange
2017年2月24日 · c->{ // Method with character as both parameter and return-type String r="`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'\nzxcvbnm,./"; // Literal String of the qwerty keyboard layout of the challenge return r.charAt( // Return the character at the following index: r.indexOf(c) // The index of the input character -1); // -1 to shift it to the left ...
Given an input, move it along the keyboard by N characters
2015年5月17日 · The Challenge: Given any input that can be typed on a keyboard, move the text along by N chars. Here is the QWERTY keyboard to be used. You can ignore the modifier keys (Shift, Caps, Enter, Delet...
Which Row is the Key On? - Code Golf Stack Exchange
2016年1月7日 · Pyth, 62 66 65 bytes?zh@+,4Zmid2c.Bi."0fÀÓ¸[9Ѷ¤KïLäHÉðbÀ`]ü©¬vS"16 2-CzCd3 Try it online. Uses a packed string representing a number in hex which, when chopped into two-bit chunks, represents the row of every character except and ! as a value from 0 to 3.
12 with no 1234567890, but polyglot - Code Golf Stack Exchange
2022年6月16日 · 12 with no 1234567890, but polyglot. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. Modified 2 years, 7 months ago.