What wire size for 125A Subpanel? - Home Improvement Stack …
2020年1月4日 · 125A is #1 copper or #1/0 aluminum (you need to call it 120A feeder, but you get to round up to 125A breaker since 120A is not made.) If you need full declared 125A you'd …
Wire size for 125amp sub panel from 200amp service main panel
2024年7月30日 · So with copper you don't need more than 1 AWG for a 125A panel. Aluminum will save you a lot of money. 2/0 aluminum is good for up to 135A. Values are from the …
Correct Wire for 125a subpanel - Home Improvement Stack …
2022年10月18日 · I have a 125a subpanel in a shed that is used for all the pool equipment (control panel, pump, spa, lights). I don't really need anywhere near 125a but since I have 3 …
What size wire and pipe for a 125A subpanel in an attached carport?
2021年2月19日 · Most jurisdictions would allow 1/0 Al THWN or better wire rated at 120A (per 75°C terminations) to be rounded up to 125A protection, and a #4 Al ground if using non …
electrical - Are there any advantages to installing a 125A subpanel ...
Comparing a 100A and 125A from Seimens. 100A version. 1 Phase, 3 Wire, 120/240VAC ; 12 Spaces, expandable to 24 circuits maximum with the use of QO tandem breakers ; Type 1 …
Will my 125A electrical panel be sufficient for solar, heat pump, EV ...
2023年2月10日 · The current solar design is for a 9kW solar system with SolarEdge SE6000H-US. According to its specs, its maximum continuous output current @240V is 25A. The solar …
Does a 125 AMP panel require a heavier supply cable than a 100 …
Talk to the power company and see if your service drop/meter can support 125A. Even if not, you can order a 125A main panel and swap the main breaker to 100A. See if you can upgrade the …
How to identify electrical panel busbar rating
2020年8月18日 · This is a 125A panel. From the labeling on your panel, in particular the note about field upgrading 100A mains to 125A by replacing the main breaker and the meter-to …
What's the wire size needed to supply a 125amp sub panel?
2020年8月25日 · We're confused by what you mean by "125A panel". First it's perfectly cool to have a subpanel size (100A, 125A, 200A, 225A) that is larger than the breaker supplying it …
Can I Upgrade My Main Panel Breaker to 125 Amp
2021年6月30日 · The 2020 NEC would require #2 awg copper riser for 125A. Issue that need to be resolved is if the NEC is adopted locally without exception and modifications. You can get …