12AZ7, Tube 12AZ7; Röhre 12AZ7 ID5298, Double Triode
Tube 12AZ7 or Röhre 12AZ7 ID5298, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and VHF shown. Radio tubes are valves.
What isn't the 12AZ7 used that much? - Audiokarma Home Audio …
2022年4月9日 · 12AZ7 is like 12AT7 but has a higher heater-cathode voltage rating, so could be used in transformerless TVs, test instruments with high voltage. In most cases it can drop in to replace 12AT7, but not in series circuits where all tube heaters must be equal current ratings.
12AZ7 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 12AZ7 is a double triode designed for audio voltage amplification and/or as an oscillator and mixer in VHF television receivers. The ratings are very similar to the 12AT7 or ECC81 double triodes.
HIFIDIY论坛-求助一下,不明型号的管子问题,谢谢! - Powered …
2007年6月11日 · 12AZ7长屏3云母是极其罕见的管。 该管是RAYTHEON公可产于20世纪50年代末产的軍用管,但它应是12AZ7。 尺寸与 12BH7相当,与普通 12AZ7 版本相比,大约是普通版本的两倍。 可用于更换MC-275 等中12AZ7,声音不错。 由于Mu=60可代換12AT7···等。 世间所有相遇都是久别重逢! 12AZ7长屏3云母是极其罕见的管。 该管是RAYTHEON公可产于20世纪50年代末产的軍用管,但它应是12AZ7。 尺 ... HIFIDIY论坛-最近收了几支管子,卖家说是跟12BZ7 …
12AT7 vs. 12AZ7 - Antique Radio Forums
2016年9月11日 · 12AZ7 would be an alternative in AC (transformer) operated radios but not AC/DC due to filament current difference. 12AT7 might seem like a problem tube as FM oscillator but this is due to the very high frequencies. It will fail easier than one used as an amplifier. Many are used in audio circuits where they don't fail.
「歷史印記篇」玩下真空管 之 細膽仔12AX7 12AT7 12AU7 - 兩聲 …
2021年7月11日 · Dual Triode雙三極管 是一個很大的真空管家族, 除了上述常用的3款外, 還有相似設計的 12AD7, 12AV7, 12AY7, 12AZ7, 12DF7, 12DT7 及 12U7。 與及 更早設計而成的 6SL7。 由於不同廠商及歐美兩地不同的叫法, 所以同一個設計構造卻有很多不同的叫法; 但其實都是一樣共通的。 如:- 1904年,英國人弗萊明發明的具有劃時代歷史意義的電子二極體標誌著人類進入了無線電時代。 在半導體器件未得到廣泛應用之前的半個多世紀中,膽管在無線電廣播通訊、音頻 …
12az7a tube - 18Watt.com
2011年3月5日 · You can use 12AZ7 in place of a 12AX7 but the amplification factor is lower, nominal 60 as opposed to nominal 100 for a 12AX7. They can be useful if your 18watt is too growly for your taste. There are a couple of hifi amps that used them - users generally insist on RCA for those hifi amps.
World Tube Company: 12AZ7 / 12AZ7A Tube ( NOS ) Valve
2024年10月19日 · The 12AZ7 / 12AZ7A Vacuum tube is a miniature type used in direct-coupled cathode-drive RF amplifier circuits of VHF Tv tuners. It requires a miniature 9-contact socket. Electrical Data:
RCA 12AZ7- Vintage Tube for sale online - eBay
The RCA 12AZ7 vintage tube is an affordable alternative with high ratings if your search comes up empty for the type of tubes your amp or TV set originally used. Vacuum tubes are also highly collectible, making them a terrific gift for individuals with an interest in the history of electronics.
12AZ7 NOS - Tubes for Amps
12AZ7 can be used in place of 12AX7 to get different sonics, and some McIntosh amps used 12AZ7. The main application of 12AZ7 was RF amplifier and 12AZ7 can be microphones. If you would like to try 12AX7 in your guitar amp, we recommend low noise screening.