12BH7 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 12BH7 double triode is pin compatible with the ECC81, ECC82 and ECC83 series from Mullard but has slightly different characteristics. Brimar give the intended use as TV frame oscillator and frame output. The construction is compatible with audio through to low VHF use.
[器件资料] 不说管脚排列,12BH7到底和哪个管参数比较接近?很 …
2018年3月18日 · 从12bh7与6gu7的参数与曲线比较,二管参数特性比较接近。可以代换! 只是使用效果就不清楚!请有使用过此二管的老师说说!
audio-club 音響俱樂部: guide-tube-preamp - Blogger
12BH7 "據說" 有比 12AU7 更乾淨的聲底 (更低的麥克風效應、噪訊),以及更好的高低頻延伸,效果不凡。 但音色、韻味能不能媲美 12AU7,就見仁見智了。... 12BH7 經典名管 1. Brimar 12BH7,市價約 2 - 3 K。 12BH7 中少見的英國管,以 60 年代產,黑屏最佳。... 2. Rca 12BH7 ...
我公司在成功研发生产“中功率”845、211、805胆的成熟经验基础上,经过反复研究、大胆创新终于成功研发出了212e/cne胆,并使其具有前所未有的性能和质量特点,早在2011年广州白天鹅音响唱片展上,使用《欧博》音响研发的整机现场开声时,就一炮打响,不论 ...
Electro-Harmonix 12BH7 Preamp Vacuum Tube - thetubestore
The Electro-Harmonix 12BH7 vacuum tube is a brand new pre-amp tube that is made in Russia. It is often used as a premium driver tube in Hi-fi tube amps, and is a suitable replacement for any 12BH7 preamp tube.
TubeDepot.com | 12BH7 Pre Amplifier Vacuum Tubes | Tube Depot
Tube Depot carries a selection of 12BH7 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS pre amp compatible tubes from Electro-Harmonix and other various brands!
Electro-Harmonix Pair 12BH7 | vivatubes.com
The newly produced Electro-Harmonix 12BH7 boasts twin triodes with 3.5 watts of dissipation per plate. An excellent replacement for any NOS or vintage 12BH7. Will work in place of: 12BH7, 12BH7A, 6913
12BH7 Vacuum Tubes - Tubes for Amps
12BH7 Tube is capable of driving good amounts of current with low distortion and used as drivers in many amps. We screen and select matching sets with precision to keep your tube amp at optimal performance.
2014年8月15日 · 之所以拿出了这个电路,主要是在预告竞猜贴中,对6550推挽的呼声太高了,正如观众的意愿往往决定美剧下一季的剧情,J版犹豫了一下,翻了翻箱子底,把这个可玩性极高的“纯胆机”电路抛了出来,叫嚣6550,kt120推挽的兄弟们有福了! 电路图如下: 224405vohc06cwxgmm6g0w.gif (212.35 KB, 下载次数: 2068) 下载附件 保存到相册 2023-1-31 22:52 上传 对电路需要做一些简单解说: 电源部分: 1、电源牛要350VA的,次级320V 0.8A …
12BH7 - TekWiki - w140.com
2023年9月19日 · The 12BH7 (P/N 154-0046-00) is a dual triode vacuum tube with a B9A (Noval) miniature 9-pin base and a center-tapped filament for use in either 6.3 V / 600 mA or 12.6 V / 300 mA heater circuits. Used in