12GN7A, Tube 12GN7A; Röhre 12GN7A ID5412, Vacuum …
Frame grid pentode for applications as high-Gm video amplifier. Controlled warm up time for heater string connection. Center tap allows heater operation at 6.3 volts, 600 milliamps. You …
12GN7/12HG7 Triode Curves? - diyAudio
Google shows that they have existed, but all of the links and images are broken/gone. Neither of those sheets have curves for TRIODE mode. No, I'm looking for triode curves (hoping not to …
12hg7 vs 12hn7a - diyAudio
2008年12月9日 · Do you mean 12GN7? The 12HG7 and 12GN7 are considered equivalent and many were marked with both numbers. The 12HG7 was often found in the large (1 1/8") bottle …
尼古拉简洁的ГМ-70(GM70)放大器 - 后级 - 胆艺轩 - Tubebbs
2011年5月1日 · 这是一款非常简单的ГМ-70(GM70)放大器,使用一个低内阻的五极管12GN7A结成三极管作信号放大兼推动,12GN7A的性能参数可以到胆艺轩电子管数据库查 …
300B with high harmonic distortion - diyAudio
2023年3月14日 · The driver is capable of 0.05%THD at 50Vrms with selective tubes (12GN7) The current driver is a 12HL7 which is giving between 0.13 and 0.14%THD. At this level, I do not …
Vintage General Electric 12HG7/12GN7 Vacuum Tube NOS GE
This vintage General Electric 12HG7/12GN7 vacuum tube is an electronic valve that has never been used before. It belongs to the category of vintage tubes and tube sockets and is perfect …
12GN7 TUBE - Big River Hardware
Specially designed for a variety of applications including radios, guitar amplifiers, and other audio amplifiers. Our vacuum tubes are built to deliver outstanding performance, reliability, and …
Vacuum Tube - 12GN7A / 12HG7, Pentode, Sharp Cut-Off
Miniature, sharp-cutoff pentode designed primarily for video amplifier service in television receivers.
12GN7 = 12HG7 - NOS Vacuum Tubes for Sale | Tubes Unlimited
1 piece available branded Magnavox, in Sylvania box NOS. All NOS tubes types for home audio and guitar amplifiers. * 30 Day Rock Solid Warranty on ALL NOS Tubes! We test your order …
12GN7 / 12HG7 FAT BOTTLE - dBtubes
Fine fat bottle pentode amplifier tubes manufactured by various makers in North America. These 9 pin B9A based glass tubes, designed for television receiver service, come with gray plates and …