12ish什么时间 - 百度知道
12ish什么时间常放在时间后面做后缀,表示大概那个时间前后-isha suffix used to guesstimate a number or time. When referring to time "-ish" means within plus or minus 15 minutes.
-ish属于古英语的后缀,-ish加在民族、国家、地方等名称后,表示某国的或某民族的,兼作名词后缀用,表示某国的语言。 例如:-ish用于Dane(丹麦),使其成为Danish,意为丹麦的,丹 …
12ish意思 -什麼意思網 - wvf.com.tw
"12ish" 這個詞語通常用來表示大約12點鐘的時間。 它是一個非正式的表達方式,用來描述一個大概的時間點,表示不是很精確地指明是12點整,而是說在12點前後的一小段時間內。
Urban Dictionary: 12ish
2018年8月5日 · It’s used when your homies tryna roll in after 12 midnight or afternoon, usually used as a way to describe the litness that will happen at 12. Hey girl, can I sneak into your …
What is the meaning of "ish (e.g. I will come around 12:15
Definition of ish (e.g. I will come around 12:15 is it okay? I work till 12ish 😞)
12ish Tombstone: Closed Spring 2015
12ish was a product created by Colin Mathews and Tyler Hill that let you buy 12 minutes of someone's time on a private phone call. Authors, professional lie detectors, army recruiters, …
[英中] 請問這段怎翻? - 看板 Translation - 批踢踢實業坊
2015年12月22日 · 現在天氣較涼了,去年,我們發現星期二 12ish to 3ish 能讓我們召集一大群人來玩。 誰有興趣參加週間的活動? 星期幾和幾點較方便呢? 這樣翻對嗎? 不知道12ish …
"20ish"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
It means close to 20. For example if you can't remember someones exact age but you know they are somewhere in their early 20's, you can say she is 20ish. And this works with any number. …
12ish .....??? - 百度知道
2010年12月22日 · what's the meaning of 12ish? the sentence is: 12ish onwards would be the most convenient time for her
Meet Plus-Size Fashion Blogger The 12ish Style | Glamour
2015年6月23日 · The mantra: style for size 12ish to 18ish girls living in a size-2 world. Here's what the newly-anointed fashion blogger has to say about style for those looking for style …