1/2in Two Ear Hose Clamp — NutsandBolts.com
Two-ear clamps have great holding power; closing the ears builds strength into the clamp, which works against the pressure of the hose. This fitting is more flexible and exact, an economical solution for many simple hose assemblies, used with air or other fluids. Ideally suited for maintenance and OEM applications.
Oetiker Stepless Size 1/2" (13.3 mm), Ear Clamps, 50-Pack Single …
2015年6月16日 · Genuine Oetiker Stepless Clamps, Made of Stainless Steel, Material no. 1.4301 / UNS S30400. Lightweight design and Tampering is visible. Try again!
13.3 mm Oetiker Stepless Ear Clamps - 500-Pack Single Ear Hose …
2015年6月16日 · Genuine Oetiker Stepless Clamps, Made of Stainless Steel, Material no. 1.4301 / UNS S30400. Lightweight design and Tampering is visible. Try again!
Oetiker - 2-Ear Clamp: 1/2" | MSC Direct
Find 2-Ear Clamp: 1/2" at MSC Industrial Supply, serving the metalworking, safety, and MRO industries for over 75 years
Hose Clamps - Oetiker Style Stainless Steel Stepless Ear Clamps
The entire inner circumference of the clamp is completely free of any steps, gaps or bridges for no-leak seals. It requires the use of a special tool (Oetiker Clamp Tool). Need to know what size you should use for standard draft beverage lines? 13.3 is typically used for attaching 3/16" beer line when the barbed fitting is 1/4".
Oetiker 2 Ear Clamps | IRP Industrial Rubber Ltd.
Zinc plated two ear clamps used for OEM, automotive and field repairs for hoses. Narrow width clamps, 3-ear clamps, twin clamps, stainless steel clamps, clamp kits, and other special tools and fittings are available. Prices on request. Please note: Check the hose O.D. before ordering.
“OET”你想知道的都在这里! - 知乎专栏
OET是评估医护人员英语水平的高权威考试,它被澳大利亚医学委员会(AMC)、澳大利亚护士协会等13家主管部门所认可。 对于希望赴澳注册、工作和移民澳洲的中国医生、护士而言,参加OET考试是赴澳的首先必要环节。
Occupational English Test【OET 13 】职业英语考试,字幕+答案
本人在考U时接触到OET,后来在参加博士英语考试时发现听力题型非常类似,而且都是医学类的听力,内容也比较相似。 所以决定定期更新。 Youtube JAY'S OET LISTENING https://amzn.to/3xtaGRk - OET READING PRACTICE BOOK I: FOR ALL PROFESSIONS Paperback from amazon
(深度)1篇文章,12个问题,告诉你OET到底是什么? - 知乎
Occupational English Test,是一项国际英语语言考试,是评估医疗从业者英文水平的一个考试。 可以简单理解成医疗行业中的“雅思”。 注意,OET是一个英语考试,不是考核医疗知识的考试。 根据官方公布的17年和18年的数据,绝大多数参加的是Nursing,17年占83.8%,18年占73%。 2 OET有什么用? 为什么要考OET? 最主要的是去澳洲,新西兰做护士,移民到澳洲和新西兰。 OET被英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,迪拜,新加坡,纳米比亚和乌克兰的医疗官方委员 …
OET是评估医护人员英语水平的*高权威考试,它被澳大利亚医学委员会(AMC)、澳大利亚护士协会等13家主管部门所认可。 对于希望赴澳注册、工作和移民澳洲的中国医生、护士而言,参加OET考试是赴澳的首选与必要环节。