1348-1A Help - Defense Logistics Agency
The DD Form 1348-1A the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned in, and is an important record for …
Property Turn-In - Defense Logistics Agency
The DD Form 1348-1A is the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned-in and is an important record for …
GCSS Army Turn-In Request Tutorial - YouTube
This tutorial is designed to teach you how to create a request to turn-in non-expendable property inside of GCSS Army. ...more. Visit the website for more detailed videos:...
Condition Codes - Defense Logistics Agency
Supply condition codes classify materiel in terms of readiness for issue and use or to identify action underway to change the status of materiel.
马牌轮胎225 40 r 18 92y立面的92y是什么意思?代表了什么?_百 …
2011年9月11日 · 92y参数代表着轮胎载重系数和最高许用速度,92代表着该条轮胎承载重量为630公斤。 而Y代表着该轮胎适用的最高车速为300km/h,一般这种轮胎适用于特型跑车。
Q. I m a SPC, 42A, reservist, deployed in Iraq, assigned to a Civil Affairs Brigade, and trying to reclass as a 92Y. What do I need to do? A. This is a personnel action (MOS Reclassification) …
DD FORM 1348-1A, JUL 91 (EG) ISSUE RELEASE/RECEIPT DOCUMENT. PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED. Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0246 Expires 20270131. The public …
92Y G06 Flashcards - Quizlet
what does the Urgency of Need Designator (UND) indicate? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what is DD1348-6, DA form 2064, what does BB stands for? …
dd form 1348-1a, jul 91 (eg) issue release/receipt document 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4
92Y Training | Logistics Training Department (LTD) - United States Army
The 92Y prepares all unit/organization supply documents and accounts for Army property, supplies and equipment using the Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) …