The Evolution Of the Medieval Sword In the 13th – 15th Centuries
Wider at the base and with a deep seeted taper, the swords emerging during the 13th century were not only designed to break through the link armor of the period, but to pierce through it. …
Knightly sword - Wikipedia
Type XIII is the knightly sword typical of the later 13th century. Swords of this type have long, wide blades with parallel edges, terminating in a rounded or spatulate tip, and with a lens-shaped …
Medieval Weapons
Typically used with a shield or buckler, the arming sword was the standard military sword of the knight (merely called a "war sword", an ambiguous title given to many types of swords carried …
Balaur Arms - 13th / 14th Century Longsword - Kult of Athena
The tang of the sword is stoutly peened over the pommel for a tough and durable construction and its guard and pommel are cast from practical stainless steel. ... Home » Swords » European …
Oakeshott Type XIII: The European Knight’s Massive Cutting Sword
2023年9月10日 · Type XIII swords were a blade type and trend that would ignite a new fashion of swords meant to hold up against upcoming and increasing armor. The Oakeshott Typology is …
Oakeshott Type XIII Swords -- myArmoury.com
Ewart Oakeshott classified one of the swords of his latter group of swords as the Type XIII. The defining characteristics of this type are a longer, wider blade whose edges run nearly parallel …
Oakeshott Type XIII Swords - sword-buyers-guide.com
The Oakeshott Type XIII Swords - their history, distingusing features, intended use and some modern reproductions of this medieval sword type
The Late 13th Century Greatsword - albion-swords.com
The Late 13th Century Greatsword (Oakeshott Type XIIa) When seeing original swords of war from the 13th and 14th C., one is always impressed by their powerful presence. A massive …
Oakeshott Typology: Understand Medieval Sword Classification
2023年9月8日 · The use of an XIII (13) type sword as seen in 13th-century art – Credits: The Tenison Psalter. Previous typologies of European swords were primarily differentiated based …
Were longswords used in the 13th century? : r/AskHistorians
2015年10月27日 · The 13th century was a transitional period in arms and armor in western Europe. The Oakeshott Type XIIIa "Gran Espees" do start appearing, and mark a shift from …