Glaucoma referral and safe discharge - SIGN
This guideline provides evidence based recommendations and best-practice guidance on the primary-care assessment and referral of patients with suspected glaucoma, of any subtype, from the community into secondary eye-care services and the safe discharge of patients from secondary eye-care services back into the community.
SIGN guidelines are produced using a standard methodology that has been equality impact assessed to ensure that these equality aims are addressed in every guideline. This methodology is set out in the current version of SIGN 50, our guideline manual, which can be found at www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/50/index.html.
SIGN 144 • Glaucoma referral and safe discharge Quick Reference Guide March 2015 Evidence This Quick Reference Guide provides a summary of the main recommendations in sign 144 glaucoma referral and safe discharge. Recommendations r are worded to indicate the strength of the supporting evidence. Good practice points are provided where the
The Power of Angel Number 144 and What It Means for Your Life
2023年7月17日 · Angel number 144 signifies the importance of practicality, stability, and commitment in your connections with others. It urges you to approach your relationships with a disciplined mindset and a grounded perspective. Embrace open and honest communication, prioritize trust and reliability, and invest time and effort into nurturing the bond.
2024年9月1日 · 如果你在日常生活中反覆看到「144」這個數字,那麼這是許多天使在支持你的跡象。 請懷抱著來自天上的神聖指引,實現你心中描 144的天使數字意義|你的思維擁有改變世界的力量|Angeltoday88
144 Angel Number Meaning and Symbolism Revealed.
The message from your angels when you see 144: “You’re here on Earth to do Big Things. Its time to wake up and remember the Divine Truth of you and to get to work accomplish your Divine Purpose and Mission.” When you see 144, remember that it is also a simple sign that you have angels with you.
2020年9月8日 · 对于数字144是否是吉祥数字,不同的人和文化可能有不同的看法和解释。 在一些文化和信仰中,数字144被认为是吉祥的数字。 例如,在数学领域中,144是一个偶数,也是一个完全平方数,还是斐波那契数列中的第13项,这些特性都使得144被认为是一个吉祥的数字。
144 Angel Number Meanings, Symbolism, & More - wikiHow
2024年7月11日 · Angel number 144 is a positive sign from your guardian angels that predicts growth and change in your life. Your angels are telling you to continue working hard toward your goals and stay positive about their outcomes.
144 Angel Number Meaning - Astrology.com
If you keep seeing Angel Number 144, it’s a sign that you’re on the right path and that your efforts are paying off. This number is a message from your angels and the universe that you’re manifesting your desires and achieving your goals.
144 Angel Number: What It Means for Your Spiritual Journey
2025年3月5日 · The 144 angel number delivers a powerful message regarding your journey towards growth and success. It urges you to center your attention on your aspirations and take meaningful action towards your goals.