1450s - Wikipedia
The 1450s decade ran from January 1, 1450, to December 31, 1459. February 7 – John de la Pole, 2nd Duke of Suffolk, marries Lady Margaret Beaufort. [1] February 26 – Francesco Sforza enters Milan after a siege, becoming Duke of the city-state, and founding a dynasty that will rule Milan for a century.
The Printing Press & the Protestant Reformation
2022年7月18日 · The printing press, credited to the German inventor and printer Johannes Gutenberg (l. c. 1398-1468) in the 1450s, became the single most important factor in the success of the Protestant Reformation by providing the means for widespread dissemination of the “new teachings” and encouraging independent thought on subjects previously rigidly ...
1450 - Wikipedia
Year 1450 (MCDL) was a common year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar. February 7 – John de la Pole, 2nd Duke of Suffolk, marries Lady Margaret Beaufort. [1] February 26 – Francesco Sforza enters Milan after a siege, becoming Duke of the city-state, and founding a dynasty that will rule Milan for a century.
1450-1459 - Fashion History Timeline
2021年6月24日 · The most important development of the 1450s in women’s fashion was the evolution of the turret into an even taller, pointier conical structure. It reaches its classic form at the end of the decade, covered in black fabric with a fine linen veil draped over it and hanging from the top, as seen in figure 12.
1450s in England - Wikipedia
Events from the 1450s in England. 9 January – Adam Moleyns, Bishop of Chichester and Lord Privy Seal is murdered in Portsmouth by discontented unpaid soldiers. 7 February – John de la Pole marries Lady Margaret Beaufort. 15 April – Hundred Years' War: French defeat the English at the Battle of Formigny. [1]
1450s - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 1450s was the decade that started on January 1, 1450 and ended on December 31, 1459. It is distinct from the decade known as the 146th decade which began on January 1, 1451.. and ended on December 31, 1460. Fall of Constantinople (now called Istanbul). France wins the Hundred Years' War against England.
公元1450年历史年表 公元1450年历史大事 公元1450年大事记
2019年3月7日 · 景泰元年(1450)闰正月初九日,瓦剌首领也先用喜宁计,进犯宁夏。 不久,又骚扰大同,总兵官郭登迎击。 当时也先已到沙窝,郭登召集部下问计,有人说:敌众我寡,莫若全军而还。 郭登说:我军距城百里,一思退避,人马疲倦。 贼以铁骑来逼,即欲保全自己,也不可能,按剑而厉声说:敢言退者斩! 直攻贼营,奋勇击敌,诸将随后,呼声震山谷,于是大破其众,追奔四十余里。 又败敌栳栳山,斩二百余级,得所掠人畜八百有奇。 自土木之败,明边将 …
Low Countries, 1400–1600 A.D. - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1410–1450s. Utrecht is a major center for illuminated manuscripts, which disseminate the inventions of the great panel painters throughout Europe. The undisputed masterpiece of the Utrecht school is the Hours of Catherine of Cleves (ca. 1435–40; J. Pierpont Morgan Library, New York). 15th century
Overview: Technology and Invention 1450-1699 - Encyclopedia.com
Gunpowder first used in China diffused to the West during the Renaissance with a significant impact on weapons development. New weapons of war such as the cannon, muskets, and pistols became hallmarks of armies as both strategic and tactical methods changed to reflect the use of these new weapons.
Year 1450 - Historical Events and Notable People - On This Day
What happened and who was notable in 1450? Browse important events, world leaders, notable birthdays, and tragic deaths from the year 1450.
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