2m ham: 146.520 simplex...anyone actually using it?
2018年4月30日 · Curious if anyone is actually using 146.520 simplex as a calling frequency - as it was designated - or do people tend to program in whatever local repeater...
2m ham: 146.520 simplex...anyone actually using it?
2018年4月29日 · Designating 146.52 for calling only makes sense if both sides could easily switch to another channel. With today's radios that is not the case and invites an accident or invites a ticket. I think that's a lame excuse to compensate for …
Which National calling frequency 144.200/146.5200 is more …
2009年5月12日 · It's just that 144.2 is the SSB calling frequency and 146.52 is the national FM simplex calling frequency. If you are on the road and have a SSB rig, plunk it down on 144.2, if only an FM rig, try 146.52.
146.52 simplex repeater / sarnia - RadioReference.com Forums
2011年4月16日 · Many hams use 146.52 for caling and as a general purpose simplex comm channel. perhaps the person who set up the repeater was just testing it and will move to some other freq (there is lots of room on the 2M band)
146.520 Abuse - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年8月15日 · I have dual band radios in my vehicles and I like to monitor 146.52 MHz for SOTA activations in the local mountains and whatever while driving. My home QTH is in the northeast San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles and my work QTH is just off I-10 east of downtown LA. Over the past few months...
2m ham: 146.520 simplex...anyone actually using it?
2018年4月30日 · In the days of crystal radios, 52.525, 146.52, 223.5 and 446.0 were designated "National Simplex" and most radios coming off the assembly line had 146.52 xtals in them and usually a popular repeater pair or two, usually 146.16/76 and/or 146.34/94 - at least on the 2M radios popular at the time.
146.52 in Las Vegas - RadioReference.com Forums
2012年10月27日 · I was monitoring 146.52 in Las Vegas this last week, and it sounded like there was some sort of repeater or link radio setup on frequency. I was just curious if this is what I was hearing, and if so, what kind of system is setup on this frequency. Thanks.
146.520! | Page 2 | RadioReference.com Forums
2013年2月18日 · I have 146.52 programmed in all of my radios and scan it whenever I am traveling (and 29.6, 52.525, 446, etc, and 50.125, 144.200, 432.1 in the rigs with SSB). When traveling across country you often have a 5 – 20 minute window for contacts, particularly if the other station is west bound on 40 while you are east bound.
146.520! - RadioReference.com Forums
2013年2月18日 · Congrats...146.52 is the national calling frequency for 2 meters and 446.000 is the other one.
Military aircraft on 146.52 - RadioReference.com Forums
2008年11月18日 · About 1600est today a ham named Scott was killing time by making contacts on the ham 2mtr band on 146.52 from what he referred to as a military plane at 28000 ft over the middle of Lake Superior. I've talked to the guy over Lake Michigan before so all you hams out there should be scanning the...