1480 - Wikipedia
Year 1480 (MCDLXXX) was a leap year starting on Saturday of the Julian calendar. March 6 – Treaty of Toledo: Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain recognize the African conquests of Afonso …
1480s - Wikipedia
The 1480s decade ran from January 1, 1480, to December 31, 1489. March 6 – Treaty of Toledo: Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain recognize the African conquests of Afonso V of Portugal, and …
1480s in England - Wikipedia
Events from the 1480s in England. This decade marks the beginning of the Tudor period. 1 August – Treaty of Perpetual Friendship between England and Burgundy. [2]
1480年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卢克雷齐亚·波吉亚 (1480年- 1519年),长期赞助艺术家从事艺术活动,是欧洲文艺复兴时期的幕后支持者之一。 底哈都拉, 缅甸 阿瓦王朝 君主, 那罗波帝 之子。
Year 1480 - Historical Events and Notable People - On This Day
What happened and who was notable in 1480? Browse important events, world leaders, notable birthdays, and tragic deaths from the year 1480.
What Happened In History Year 1480 - EventsHistory
2017年2月13日 · Historical Events for the Year 1480. 12th August » Ottoman invasion of Otranto Battle of Otranto: Ottoman Empire Ottoman troops behead 800 Christians for refusing to …
1480 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1480 (MCDLXXX) was a leap year starting on Saturday of the Julian calendar, the 1480th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 480th year of the 2nd …
1480年 - 百度百科
阎本(1424-1480),字宗元,陕西邠州(今彬县)人,景泰五年(1454)进士,授户部主事,升郎中,提督永平(今河北卢龙)、山海等处粮草,成化二年(1466)升 右佥都御史 巡抚 …
公元1480年历史年表 公元1480年历史大事 公元1480年大事记_历 …
2019年3月7日 · 严嵩(1480年-1567年)字惟中,号勉庵、介溪、分宜等,汉族江右民系,江西新余市分宜县人,弘治十八年(1505年)乙丑科进士。 他是明朝著名的权臣,擅专国政达20 …
1480 - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Year 1480 was a leap year starting on Saturday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. Events of 1480 * March 6 Treaty of Toledo: Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain …
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