MOS Megathread Series -- CMF 14 -- Air Defense Artillery - Reddit
Points depend on the MOS - low for 14E and 14T. A lot of people know each other. Expect some NCO's to play favorites just like any low density MOS. Work on your PT and marksmanship. Expect AR 600-9 to be enforced unless it's a fat SFC. Yes you can get THAAD which means Guam, Korea, Fort Bliss or Fort Hood.
14T AIT as a MOS-T soldier? : r/army - Reddit
2023年10月13日 · Looking at choosing 14T as my new MOS because I am re entering the army and combat arms is probably my only choices.
Possible First Duty Stations / Assignments by MOS : r/army - Reddit
2017年3月28日 · Actually I just looked it up on FMSWeb, they are actually coded to specific MOS's. So yes Drill Sergeant is MOS immaterial but it's not coded that way. Anything outside of nominative positions won't be MOS immaterial since just due to the way requisitions for the enlisted side go. There's no 01A or 02A equivalent for enlisted.
2021 /Army MOS Megathread Series - CMF 14 - Reddit
2021 /Army MOS Megathread Series - CMF 14 - Air Defense Artillery - 14A, 140A, 140E, 140Z, 14E, 14G, 14H, 14P, 14S, 14T, 14Z All, Based on feedback I've received over the last year, we're going to run the MOS/Duty Threads back in 2021, providing a ~3 year update since the last round.
Fort Sill BCT, MoS, Duty Station Question 14T : r/Militaryfaq - Reddit
2019年1月7日 · MoS: 14T. For those who have worked and currently are what's the job like? Typically where do we get sent in terms of overseas? How much down time will I have to pursue a college degree while working under this MoS? Duty Station. Typically where does a 14T go for their first duty station? How rare is it to go overseas like Germany, Korea, Japan?
Reclassifying from 14T to 91S : r/army - Reddit
2021年3月31日 · Senior Stryker mechanics ... yep, the force needs to grow more experienced mechanics. It's a young MOS overall. Remember the Stryker wasn't originally intended to be a long service vehicle. It was "interim" and was going to be phased out starting in 2009 when FCS fielded ... only FCS never showed up.
Are there any glorious 14T’s? If so, what is your story of ... - Reddit
2019年9月27日 · Edit: a 14T is a patriot launching station enhanced operator/ maintainer Archived post. New comments ...
Realistic Opinion On This MOS? : r/army - Reddit
25C and 25U are both signal corps MOS. These soldiers set up communication equipment and troubleshoot any issues. Be it with radios, computers, satellite dishes, servers, etc. This MOS has great potential of learning a civilian skill as IT certifications are in …
14 tango Army questions : r/Militaryfaq - Reddit
2020年7月16日 · 14 t here , drinking is dependent on the person THADD is better but not guaranteed Driver license immaterial at work but critical for personal life Location is based on selection stay along enough in the mos and Korea and overseas is almost guaranteed. If you have any other question please feel free to ask .
Thinking about switching my MOS to 92Y. Any advice on the job?
2023年6月12日 · 14T to 92Y? Are you going to get a bachelors degree in poor life decisions next, because you seem to be very interested in that field. There are tons of other MOS’ you can reclass into, some even in the same CMF, that aren’t as awful as yankee.