15-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid - Wikipedia
15-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (also termed 15-HETE, 15 (S)-HETE, and 15S-HETE) is an eicosanoid, i.e. a metabolite of arachidonic acid. Various cell types metabolize arachidonic acid to 15 (S)-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15 (S)-HpETE).
15(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE), a product of …
The biologically active isomer, 15 (S)-HETE, the product of 15-lipoxygenase, is a powerful mediator of inflammation and the effector of a large number of bioactions. 15 (R,S)-HETE was found in native hemozoin (0.24 millimole/mole hemozoin heme), in supernatants of hemozoin-fed monocytes (87 nMol) and in hemozoin-fed monocytes (9.6 microMol).
15-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE) receptors.
1992年11月25日 · In this report, we present evidence that the PT-18 mast/ basophil cell line contains specific receptors for 15-HETE which are involved in the 15-HETE-induced stimulation of the cryptic 5-lipoxygenase. MATERIALS AND METHODS * The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges.
(±)15-HETE_化工百科 - ChemBK
- (±)15-HETE是一种脂质类化合物,通常为无色或浅黄色油状液体。 - 可溶于有机溶剂如乙醚、乙醇等,不溶于水。 - 具有生物活性,在生物体内扮演重要的信号传递分子角色。 - 作为生物学研究中的生理活性物质,可用于了解细胞信号传导途径、炎症反应等生物过程。 - (±)15-HETE可从芥酸或亚麻酸等Omega-6系列脂肪酸通过细胞氧化酶酶类(lipoxygenase)的催化作用制备而来。 - (±)15-HETE是一种生物活性分子,应当小心处理,并遵守相关化学品安全操作规范。 - 尚无相 …
口服 15-羟基二十碳四烯酸通过触发 T 细胞依赖性内皮细胞凋亡诱 …
肺动脉高压(PAH)是一种以平均肺动脉压升高为特征的致命疾病。 已在多环芳烃患者和动物模型中证实氧化脂质(包括 15-羟基二十碳四烯酸 (15-HETE))的血浆和肺浓度升高。 我们之前已经证明用 15-HETE 喂养小鼠足以诱发肺动脉高压,但其机制仍然未知。
15-Hete-T | C22H37NO5S | CID 53477515 - PubChem
15-Hete-T | C22H37NO5S | CID 53477515 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
羟基二十碳四烯酸(HETEs)分析 - 知乎
血液和血管中主要的花生四烯酸代谢产物是羟基二十碳四烯酸(HETEs)。 羟基二十碳四烯酸HETEs与生理反应有关,例如聚集、细胞迁移和细胞增殖。 高效液相色谱分离后的GC/选定离子监测通常被用作HETEs的灵敏和特异分析。 百泰派克生物科技基于高稳定性、可重复和高灵敏度的分离、表征、鉴定和定量分析系统,结合LC-MS/MS提供可靠、快速且经济高效的羟基二十碳四烯酸HETEs及其异构体的分析服务。 HETEs(5-、8-、9-、11-、12-、15-、20-HETE),HEPEs …
07-27 国际期刊速递丨今日热点:15-羟基二十碳四烯酸、肺动脉高 …
2020年7月26日 · 载脂蛋白A-I(载脂蛋白A-I)模拟肽Tg6F(转基因6F)可防止循环氧化脂质的积聚,不仅能抑制肺动脉内皮细胞凋亡,还能预防和挽救15-HETE诱导的小鼠肺动脉高压。
15 (S)-HETE 54845-95-3 | MCE
生物活性:15 (S)-HETE 是存在于尿中的内源代谢物,可用于研究齐薇格综合症。 15 (S)-HETE is an endogenous metabolite present in Urine that can be used for the research of Zellweger Syndrome [1] [2].
15 (S)-HETE | 内源代谢物 - MCE
15 (S)-HETE is an endogenous metabolite present in Urine that can be used for the research of Zellweger Syndrome [1] [2]. Endogenous metabolites is defined as those that are annotated by …
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