150平方毫米等于多少平方厘米-150平方毫米 (mm²)转换成平方厘 …
150平方毫米(mm²)等于1.5平方厘米(cm²),150平方毫米(mm²)换算成平方厘米(cm²)的单位换算结果是1.5平方厘米(cm²)。 本页网址是: https://cn.unithelper.com/area/150-mm2-cm2/
150平方毫米等于多少平方米? - 150平方毫米 (mm²)换算平方米 …
要将150平方毫米转换为平方米,我们可以通过平方毫米与平方米换算比率来计算: 150 平方毫米 = 150 * 0.000001 平方米 = 0.00015 平方米. 因此,150平方毫米换算成平方米的答案是150平方毫米等于0.00015平方米。 了解更多:150平方米等于多少平方毫米?
150平方毫米等于多少平方米-150平方毫米(mm²)转换成平方米(㎡) …
150平方毫米(mm²)等于0.00015平方米(㎡),150平方毫米(mm²)换算成平方米(㎡)的单位换算结果是0.00015平方米(㎡)。 本页网址是: https://cn.unithelper.com/area/150-mm2-m2/
Convert area: 150 mm2 (square millimeter) to ... - Online unit …
The area value 150 mm2 (square millimeter) in words is "one hundred and fifty mm2 (square millimeter)". This is simple to use online converter of weights and measures. Simply select the input unit, enter the value and click "Convert" button.
XLPE 150mm2 5 Cores Copper Cable Application - Hongda Cable
XLPE insulated 5-core power cables are normally used in power transmission and distribution systems. The 5-core XLPE cable is referred to as IEC60502 CU/XLPE/PVC 0.6/1KV. These cables are used for outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet applications.
ZBR-YJV-0.6KV-4*150+1*70mm2是什么电缆 - 百度知道
电缆zbr-yjv-0.6kv-4*150+1*70mm2是指耐火交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯绝缘护套铜芯电力电缆,电缆共五芯,4芯是150平方,1芯是70平方。 各参数含义: ZBR:耐火;
mm² - Square Millimeter. Conversion Chart / Area Converter, Metric
To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it. You can also go to the universal conversion page. Enter the value you want to convert (square millimeter). Then click the Convert Me button. Your value gets instantly converted to all other units on the page.
XLPE Single Core 150mm2 Copper Cable Application - Hongda …
Single core XLPE insulated copper cable/wire features a plain annealed solid or strands circular copper conductor with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath. It is also referred to XLPE cable or CU/XLPE/PVC Cable 0.6/1kV. These cables are used for outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet applications.
150电缆载流量,150平方电缆载流量表 - szjinhuanyu.com
2019年9月19日 · 150平方电缆一般用于工程线路当中,那么在使用当中就必需清楚的了解150平方电缆的载流量。 我们都知道电缆的载流量与导线截面有关,也与导线的材料、型号、敷设方法以及环境温度等有关,影响的因素较多,计算也较复杂。
XLPE 150mm2 3 Cores Copper Cable Application - Hongda Cable
XLPE insulated 3-core power cables are normally used in power transmission and distribution systems. The 3-core XLPE cable is referred to as IEC60502 CU/XLPE/PVC 0.6/1KV. These cables are used for outdoor and indoor installations in damp and wet applications.